Since the new frag weapon came out its has became harder to get DC. Also the enchating for the weapon is a chore which sucks having fun in the game which is the point of a game to be fun. We get 2 new mounts that need alot of stars before you can get one. So can you please raise the drop rate or add more drops of DC and for the new mounts when you get Hw you can claim rewards that are Gmuts and not Therion. Once you get the last mount you can get a Therion until the Gmuts should be offered. Gmuts after Hw should be a enough to give a person atleast 1-2 tries for each upgrade of the mount. Only major cashers on my server have them which one person spent $1000 to get the last mount. I know you want to please the people that bring in money so you can offer different games, but don't forget about the people that play the game to have fun and the minor cashers. Thank you
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Raise Drop rate of DC and give Gmuts for New Mounts
EW's do drop sometimes in purg NM
there are plenty of opportunities to gain Gmuts eg:- perm Gmut exchange, guessing game, rebirth expeditions and ofc buying them there is plenty out there youve just gotta spend good gold to get em
EW seem harder to get but thats only because the success rate for EW actually upgrading suck personally ive been stuck on extreme angel lord +1 at 9.5 stars for the last 3 attemptsive used over 200 EW on this stage alone sooo a few more chances to get em would be nice but they are still available to grab if you put in the work
On my server gmuts are 25g-35g and Ewings are a bit cheaper, but putting alot of gold into something when they keep changing the events that were fun and helpful into more of a chore it sucks. Thats when the server merges happen cause people stop playing.I wouldn't do anything for a Klondike Bar