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Marriages In-Game Should/Shouldn't Allow Same-Gender Marriage?

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  • Marriages In-Game Should/Shouldn't Allow Same-Gender Marriage?

    So I wanted to ask the members/players in this community why is it always just strictly opposite gender marriages?

    We have many countries/United States [Currently 10 states and maybe more that allow the marriage of the same gender to marry]
    Last edited by ChaoticCody; 05-03-2013, 02:46 PM.
    Username: Chaoticcody
    Server: S62 BloodShedHollow [PVE]
    Class: Mage
    Guild: Angels

  • #2
    Originally posted by ChaoticCody View Post
    So I wanted to ask the members/players in this community why is it always just strictly opposite gender marriages?

    We have many countries/United States [Currently 10 and maybe more that allow the marriage of the same gender to marry]
    i am not sure about that
    but in my opinion only opposite gender marriage can give offspring


    • #3
      It's not about whether or not same-gender marriages are allowed in the real world. The in-game aspect comes down simply to the coding- the quest line for marriages requires one male and one female character. The script that checks character status looks for one female character and one male character, such as in couples Blessed Bath and in special events.

      Then we have to factor in that the game is originally Chinese, from a Chinese dev company. You would be hard-pressed to find a Chinese game that allows same-gender marriages, and some don't even allow the female character to propose, like in Yitien.

      If same-gender marriages were possible, we would see it in the game already, because there is no reason to leave it "traditional" when people normally just marry for the rings anyway.
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      • #4
        To add onto MemoryLane...

        ChaoticCody, this issue was brought up once before, and in result, players were allowed to purchase a Sex Change Capsule from the Cash Shop.
        If you wish to dig in deeper about the topic, feel free to use the Search Engine.
        The King doesn't fall so easily boys


        • #5
          However a sex change capsule in essence is changing what you are.
          For example if we followed offline and in the real world most individuals would be more upset at that idea than not.
          I think if its a matter of equality. Not a matter of coding or them trying to allow a sexchange capsule.

          I mean I don't think a capsule should be needed, and for the kid/offspring make an adoption system then or fix the coding.

          I mean I just think it shouldn't embrace "Traditional" marriage. I mean if this game was made 50+ years back we'd have a "Color change ticket"

          It's really silly in my own opinion though.

          I do see if from others views about coding however the Developers probably should have thought about these situations prior to releasing the game to play.

          This is 2013 after all and if they do their routine updates/maint things then it could be added.

          But I was mostly shocked at in Ytien that girl avatars cannot propose it has to be men?

          I guess from myself being in the United States, I felt it was really silly but it brings up interesting points and factors

          -Also I double checked and saw another post and it states that R2 may be ok with it since the orginal creators are from China it is really difficult and they have to follow their rules for rights to the game and hosting rights as a result they are still trying to work things out? But thats unknown at this point in time.

          Another one was they base it on religion which is why they wont have it?
          But many members on that thread stated that was not true

          Bottom Line: No one truly knows what is going on.
          Last edited by ChaoticCody; 05-03-2013, 02:54 PM. Reason: Saw another thread-
          Username: Chaoticcody
          Server: S62 BloodShedHollow [PVE]
          Class: Mage
          Guild: Angels


          • #6
            hey bro just what I think the last game with marriage like that was a lot of erros, bad ballancement, bad conditions, an hing stat of unbalancement, the game is realy, realy, realy bad. they luck is because I'm an good person and dont say strong words.
            Last edited by Xalnaga; 05-05-2013, 07:03 PM.
            our world is like an sky, and we are like birds, just need to open our wings and dance in the blue ocean, open your wings and fly now.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ChaoticCody View Post
              So I wanted to ask the members/players in this community why is it always just strictly opposite gender marriages?

              We have many countries/United States [Currently 10 states and maybe more that allow the marriage of the same gender to marry]
              I wish they did have this option.
              But sadly Chinese are more stricter than the most of the world IMO
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              I'm Probably in the sky,
              Flying with the fishes,
              Or maybe in the Ocean,
              swimming with the pigeons,
              See my world is Different.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Xalnaga View Post
                hey bro just what I think the last game with marriage like that was a lot of erros, bad ballancement, bad conditions, an hing stat of unbalancement, the game is realy, realy, realy bad. they luck is because I'm an good person and dont say strong words.

                Sounds more like an issue not implementing the coding correctly, I mean the game sucks because of the coding.

                I think it just needs dealt with, regardless of China, the R2 HQ is in the states and is subject to our own laws I think [Could be wrong?]

                Therefore since in the states, it should apply....

                I mean no one needs discriminated period. If its an issue then make NO marriage available then.

                Until the coding works for Both genders, I think that's more than fair instead of a pill. If you did that in the real world, offline you would be yelled at by members of the LGBTA community stating they are born who they are and can't change who they are.

                And they as such shouldn't really have to.
                Username: Chaoticcody
                Server: S62 BloodShedHollow [PVE]
                Class: Mage
                Guild: Angels


                • #9
                  Regardless of laws in the real world, in the game world our coding comes from the Chinese developers that make the game. R2 licenses the game, translates the text to English, does some other tinkering to fit the market, and publishes it for the North American time zones.

                  It's really that simple.

                  You're not the first person to ask, you won't be the last, but the answer will always be the same- if they were allowed to change the base code to the game, they would but they can't.

                  In the meantime, we do have a Sex Change Capsule available so that anyone can marry anyone they want. At the end of the day, it's all pixels on a screen anyway, so it's not like it really matters what gender the pixels really are.
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                  • #10
                    Last time I looked most games took place in a fantasy world where pixels rule not any laws of certain nations. Lighten up, dude. Relax, play a game to get away from the real world strife.

                    Sincerely someone who deals with way more of this topic in real life than most...


                    • #11
                      Right and I think that's a decent answer, but I see it more of a risk to R2 than a blessing. When they accepted the licensing, they accepted responsibility for the game and even if it may be from Chinese developers, they are subject to NA laws also.

                      "R2 Games operates and controls the Site from its offices in Los Angeles, California, in the United States of America. R2 Games makes no representation that the Site is appropriate or available in other locations. Accordingly, those persons who choose to access the Site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable."

                      From the TOS page.

                      In short R2 is a citizen of the United states and a Resident of California.

                      So they have to follow California laws/taxes/regulations etc..

                      But sadly Memory is fully right on the licensing.

                      R2 has to uphold their own bargain/trade with the Chinese producers/developers of the game. If China's producers say No, I'd assume if R2 even could change the coding they couldn't because R2 has to follow their License agreement and that one has it's own rules and Terms of Service, otherwise R2 could lose their game license rights and then we'd be out a game also.

                      But state law of California- If Supreme Court dismisses Prop 8 and allows that ruling that the lower court stated "To Legalize Same-Gender marriage"

                      This could in it's own way harm R2.

                      Because as State law would apply to R2 being it's a citizen of California...

                      I don't know much when it comes to law and politics, I do agree fully with Memory but if the state law conflicts with the developer's license... I don't know what would/could happen.

                      It's something worth poundering over that's for sure.

                      Hopefully nothing bad happens, I don't think it would.

                      I mean being as R2's just a publisher technically, being as China authorized them the license,

                      We would need a law/ethics major if not a full out lawyer to know what rules/laws/regulations would apply.

                      So Memory I do see the License as part of the scenario, but being simple, on the law/legal basis absolutely not... Too many laws fully in-state/out-state/out-country.

                      But I do think that it's good to know that way members know it's not R2 "Ignoring" them, it's just something that sadly cannot be done.
                      Username: Chaoticcody
                      Server: S62 BloodShedHollow [PVE]
                      Class: Mage
                      Guild: Angels


                      • #12
                        Unless Chinese developers/owners of the games allowed it or refigured the data/coding to do it.. I don't see R2 being able to do anything...

                        It's a video game, that may be true, but shouldnt people be able to be who they want when in reality may not be able to?

                        In some states it's still banned or a "Civil union"

                        I think any player deserves the right to have any character/relationship they so choose regardless in-game or out of it.. I mean it may just be a game..

                        But I do know some people do this to get away from the realities of the realworld.

                        Some people want that option. pixels or not It's.. I guess it's a nice way to be who you are online, without dealing with the offline drama that comes with it.

                        I think it's good to be able to discuss a topic such as this with maturity and able to think on things, but it also again shows members not just myself but anyone seeing this topic that R2 sadly cannot violate their own license agreement to the developers in China.
                        Username: Chaoticcody
                        Server: S62 BloodShedHollow [PVE]
                        Class: Mage
                        Guild: Angels


                        • #13
                          Cody, you are quoting real world laws regarding legalizing same-gender marriages in the real world.

                          Same-gender marriages aren't illegal in the game world, they just aren't possible in this game. Twist it and turn it and quote any law you want, the coding just isn't going to change.

                          Your real world rights in the game only apply to the purchase of crystals and receiving the amount of crystals you agreed to purchase. That's literally where the line is drawn. There are no real world laws that apply to in-game content (as long as there's no nudity involved, and if there is proper controls to keep minors out- but that doesn't apply here), hence the terms of service which is really just a contract not a law.

                          So, to address your point of "they have to follow California laws. . .", they are following the laws as they apply to the internet. They are well within the applicable law for providing the game's content to the public, they are within the law for selling electronic merchandise. The company doesn't discriminate against anyone when providing the game to be played.

                          There is not a single law anywhere in the world that states that when marriage is possible in a game that same gender pixels must also be allowed to get married. You cannot quote laws that apply to the real world and bend it to mean something it doesn't.
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