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Some suggestions

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  • Some suggestions

    I dont know if some of the suggestions was posted before but here it goes:

    1: Name change card
    2: Guild name change card

    3: The possibility of not wasting a guild when the Guild Master is leaving , another guild member to automatically take the GM position , or a leader.

    4: Deletion Character off for higher level players like 55-60 +

    5: Take the option of linking names or words off please because it glitches the chat ( DONE )

    6: A duel pvp option for players (click the other char like add friend trade etc.should be request Duel) , not only the pk option in Kaymo Mountain

    7: Add more instances in Aurora Point and Bloodfang Village

    8: Add the lock vault ( bank ) option with a password and also the possibilitty to deposit our gold / copper / silver / platinum in there
    9: Make clothes packs gifts from cash shop tradable to avoid further scamming between players

    10: PK felony : -the maximum pk lvl or from lvl 15+ pk lvl to add a jail ( 1-2 hours maximum ) ... which could be like a maze and if u can complete the maze u can get out before the time expires .. and also i would like to add losing honor if u get to a certain pk level .
    Last edited by SayianSaga; 09-08-2012, 05:26 AM.

  • #2
    i agree with all of SayianSaga's ideas.
    and maybe add an overnight thing.
    like crypt around maybe 2:00 or 4:00 servertime for people who are on more at night then during the afternoon. i always have to get off for work when the fun stuffs on... lol.


    • #3
      Name change card could not work, would screw up the game because of how the information on who you trade with, are married to, etc is saved. ditto on guild name change. guild master idea is a good idea, I like it. same with deletion off. but getting rid of linking is a BAD idea.


      • #4
        BUMP ! Added another suggestion


        • #5
          agree with this suggest lets bumpp it for the gm


          • #6
            i have a suggestion
            1.Change the pvp system make it Duel not only pk in any map ..
            2.Make fair in Sengolia make 2 rooms like 30-70 then the other room is make enjoy all players not only the high lvl
            3.We want to put a GuildWar Guild vs Guild not only PK in any map..


            • #7
              Bumping it , since i added a few more


              • #8
                Name change card
                Deletion Character off for higher level players like 55-60 +
                Take the option of linking names or words off please because it glitches the chat
                these r terrible ideas and i am almost sure GMs will not agree to these and worst of them all r the name and word link to be removed cause the word/name link program is very very important even though it might glitch the chat its extremely important but other than that
                Guild name change card
                The possibility of not wasting a guild when the Guild Master is leaving , another guild member to automatically take the GM position , or a leader
                A duel pvp option for players (click the other char like add friend trade etc.should be request Duel) , not only the pk option in Kaymo Mountain
                Add more instances in Aurora Point and Bloodfang Village
                these r good ideas especially the possibility of not wasting a guild thumbs up for the second part of the ideas (the good ideas) and thumbs down for the first part(the bad ideas)
                Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                I am a 100% Noob


                Become a friend and be kind

                hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

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                • #9
                  The word / name link is something stupid , how would that would be ver very very very important .. i dont see the necesity of it to be honest .. ive played others mmorpg and didnt have this option and it was GREAT .. And please tell me why the deletion characters off is a bad idea , because u put that also in ur " bad ideas " list ..

                  Still bumping this thread ..i consider important all my suggestions..If any GM`s reading it i would gladly appreciate their opinions.


                  • #10
                    Added one more suggestion


                    • #11

                      1.Sengolia batlegrounds seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                      2.Dragonspine battlegrounde seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                      3.Create special battlegrounds for guild wars ( Anyone can enter in any time ).

                      4.When lvl 120 comes a new honor equipment armor called immortal.

                      Character name: CRYSTALHERO
                      Server name: Kraken beach
                      Rank: Baron
                      Plane: mortal
                      Lvl: 37
                      Guild: DarkArcana
                      Last edited by R2703115; 08-07-2012, 05:23 PM.
                      Enyoy each and every game you play.


                      • #12
                        1.Sengolia batlegrounds seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                        2.Dragonspine battlegrounde seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                        3.Create special battlegrounds for guild wars ( Anyone can enter in any time ).

                        4.When lvl 120 comes a new honor equipment armor called immortal.

                        Character name: CRYSTALHERO
                        Server name: Kraken beach
                        Rank: Baron
                        Plane: mortal
                        Lvl: 37
                        Guild: DarkArcana
                        Enyoy each and every game you play.


                        • #13
                          1.Sengolia batlegrounds seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                          2.Dragonspine battlegrounde seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                          3.Create special battlegrounds for guild wars ( Anyone can enter in any time ).

                          4.When lvl 120 comes a new honor equipment armor called immortal.

                          Character name: CRYSTALHERO
                          Server name: Kraken beach
                          Rank: Baron
                          Plane: mortal
                          Lvl: 37
                          Guild: DarkArcana
                          Enyoy each and every game you play.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by R2703115 View Post

                            1.Sengolia batlegrounds seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                            2.Dragonspine battlegrounde seperated in lvl 30 - 100 mortal and 30 - 100 scion.

                            3.Create special battlegrounds for guild wars ( Anyone can enter in any time ).

                            4.When lvl 120 comes a new honor equipment armor called immortal.
                            I like these ideas too .


                            • #15
                              BUmp added 2 more suggestions

