Hi there , i noticed 60+ mobs spawning too late for grinding and there are few slots with many mobs .. can u please change mob spawn time ?
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60+ Mobs Spawn Time
They aren't spawning late, you are merely killing them too fast =pHelpful Links
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Taking a bit of a break as well, kinda sick at the moment.
Moderators Be Thou for the People.
-Kind Regards V
-What's left in the end...is not always what you wish for!
did you use a stop watch? o.o° usually the problem of lvl 45-73 mob is that there are less of them and it makes you feel like they take forever to respawn.... .which I do not understand since the mob in the new high lvl area seems to be 'thicker' again... clearly it is to annoy midlvl player and encourage them to kill each other to get the best spot with the most mob.
IGN: Toki
Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
Class: HalfBlood Priest
Current lvl: Scion 80+
Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld
~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~
"to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
--e.e. cummings
aww don't be bitter....IGN: Toki
Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
Class: HalfBlood Priest
Current lvl: Scion 80+
Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld
~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~
"to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
--e.e. cummings