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Vault sort

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  • Vault sort

    can it be moved? or add a confirm button? i hate clicking the stupid thing and having to spend all the time sorting it to the way i want it!
    i click it sometime meening to close my vault.. with poor fps sometimes you don't always click where you want too

  • #2
    heheh i always clos my vault with esc button
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3
      Hhahaha i knooww , so many times i clicked the sort button by accident and everything i had sorted by me in a way i want went poof lol, yup a confirmation button would be nice to add to this cause honestly i like to sort my own things the way i like it , so
      +1 to this also


      • #4
        A warning message that requires an agreement before it proceeds would be amazing. ^^

        I would really appreciate this although I simply got used to the way the sort button likes to have my vault.
        ( at least after I gave up after sorting 10 times 2 full pages)

        According to what I have read, on our server so far, a lot of ppl have issues with the sort button.
        It would be nice to at least give them a warning before all their work will be cut into tiny little pieces. xD

        Some of them put a lot of work in sorting their vaults the way they prefer it, it would be only fair to avoid giving them a heartattack. ^^
        Last edited by Toki-sama; 08-11-2012, 07:43 AM.
        IGN: Toki
        Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
        Class: HalfBlood Priest
        Current lvl: Scion 80+
        Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld

        ~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~

        "to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
        --e.e. cummings


        • #5
          I SO support this idea..
          last weekend i by accident sorted my vault and i went "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" i think my neighbors heard me. :/

          add a confirmation like "are you very very very sure u want to sort your vault" ?


          • #6
            I've gotten so bored of sorting my vault on my own I'm just accepting that sorting it saves time and ****. Everybody should get used to it's layout to save them time and the worry.
            Server: (S6)Windshear Peaks
            Player: (S6)Austin
            Spouse: (S6)Wisteria889
            Level: 76+ Scion


            • #7
              OMG today is the 2nd time in 1 week that I've miss-clicked that sort button. NOT COOL! >.> so ****** off right now. Please R2 Add Something! Or move it! Or whatever! Do SoMeThInG
              If I post something really weird that makes no sense whatsoever it means I'm not mentally there at the time I post it (probably sleep deprived)

              Character: (S31)Kiesha
              Server: Tree of Life
              Plane: Eidolon
              Class: Hybrid Priest
              Guild: Harmless


              • #8
                Perhaps it does need to be changed but perhaps stop rushing and be calmer. Or just walk away from your vault and it closes for you
                Server: The Wilterlands

                My guides <---Mages/Easy pet leveling ---> Weekly events and promotions--->


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Toki-sama View Post
                  A warning message that requires an agreement before it proceeds would be amazing. ^^
                  This would be great, also a warning message for Inventory Sort..
                  Stalkers OP.

                  Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "

