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Adding more slots to the afk window

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  • Adding more slots to the afk window

    My suggestion is to add 6 more skill slots in the afk mode settings, for a total of 12.

    For those of you who don’t know, the current afk mode setting allows players to set up 6 skills to be used repeatedly, great for hunting bosses in dungeons and for mobs. However, given a hybrid’s knight build, 6 skill slots is not enough to optimally farm dungeons.

    A high level hybrid knight can have a wide variety of moves, up to 11 different useful moves to “spam” on dungeon bosses, monsters repeatedly. They are:

    Retribution tree
    1. Valiant Slash
    2. Saber slash/Improved Saber slash
    3. Crucify
    4. Shockblade
    5. Fierce attack/Improved fierce attack/Master fierce attack
    6. Slayer’s swipe/improved slayer’s swipe

    Protection tree
    7. Shield Strike/Improved Shield Strike/Master Shield strike
    8. Sword of spring/improved sword of spring
    9. Crater Smash
    10. Shieldbreaker
    11. Shield Swipe

    For some knights, we might not bother getting slayer swipe and fierce attack, but I've included it anyways, because its still a move to consider.

    Given that the current afk window only allows for 6 different skills to be repeatedly used, my only clumsy solution is to throw in skills when my character hp, mp, pet’s hp, and mp drops below a certain percentage as shown below. I have also added the skills onto a usage time interval of 1 minute, but still, there are 3 skills for myself that are being used 100% of the time, thus in avernal, my character is never going to be utilizing all offensive knight moves, thus giving me a disadvantage in avernal. In dungeons, using 3 more skills more often can increase efficiency and effectiveness, thus making pve easier.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	afk window.png
Views:	1
Size:	122.2 KB
ID:	1732094

    Yes, I know, I can pilot my own character during avernal and during dungeons to get the 100% usage on knight’s offensive skills, but still, that’s a lot of effort, and I felt that this can be all fixed simply by adding 6 more slots to the afk window. Hence, that is why I make this suggestion.

    Why do I request 6 more slots and not 5?
    Well, more slots gives the player more freedom and more importantly, it would make the afk window symmetrical. The cs admins or programmers would only need to add another row of slots below the current skills section of the afk window. In the end, my request doesn`t have to be followed word for word, I just suggest having more slots in the afk window to cover at least 11 different skills (from what I see, hybrid knights will probably consider actively spamming 9-11 different skills).

    About other job classes:
    Well, I barely know the other job classes, but regardless, more slots shouldn’t harm the other classes’ afk mode, and can only benefit the player by giving them more freedom over their afk mode.

    Someone might say: its just 3-5 offensive skills that aren’t being used, why bother? Its immaterial damage, or its not going to make a difference.

    My answer to that is this: 3-5 skills is significant. When the 6 different skills in the afk window have been used and are on cooldown, the character will proceed to use their default attack to fight. Personally, I would leave the default attack as normal attack (0.8 sec duration, 0 sec cooldown), and can be useful in sengolia when I have no other skills to rely on. I wouldn’t assign any other moves as a default attack because the next lowest cooldown move for knights is saberslash, and has a cooldown of 2 seconds, and this aoe move can prevent you from autowalking towards a target when used.

    If you don’t already know, its always better to use any offensive skill other than the normal attack, because all the offensive skills add an extra +% bonus and some fixed amount of damage at the very least. And as we all know, extra damage is beneficial in pve. So instead of spamming 6 moves, and proceeding to use a normal attack, why not spam and cycle through 9-11 different moves, and then use a normal attack if all your moves are on cooldown?

    The end result is: give players more freedom over the afk mode, and allow hybrid knights to fully utilize their wide range of skills in pve situations.

    Server: Sea of Dreams

  • #2
    Good idea +1 but hey not only you knights need more space in the afk thingie, i think other classes can rely to this aswell


    • #3
      I like it I always have to decide if I put a curse into it or a heal skill. (although I usually need both.)
      I simply wish it would support us hybrids more!
      It would be interesting to know how pure (do they even exist anymore?) builds get along with the afk setup.

      However, at least 1 or 2 more slots would be awesome.
      Not to figure out the best chance to use and connect it to MP and HP reduction of you and your pet (what has sometimes the consequence that there even are no spaces for pots or whatsoever left) would save us some time.
      As well as a huge plus for individuality. ^^

      and at least you could put in some more room for vip player. an advanced afk for casher how does that sound , hm?
      IGN: Toki
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      --e.e. cummings


      • #4
        I elaborated on why I requested for 5-6 more slots in the afk window using the knight as the example. For the other job classes, someone else with have to prove or elaborate why more afk slots would be useful for that particular class because I have no idea how many skills you would want to spam on pve mobs.

        For my hp, mp pet hp and pet mp settings, I first looked at surviving pve dungeons with normal hp, mp pet hp and pet mp potions. Then for the second slot, I placed an offensive skill I would also want to use, and that can't fit in the limited 6 skill slots of the afk system. I picked improved sword of spring on hp, because it heals my character, I picked shield swipe for pet hp and my mana because I felt it was more important over valiant slash, and I placed valiant slash on pet mp because thats the only slot available. My rationale is simple, but in the end, all you really need to do is slot moves in on hp, mp, pet hp and pet mp slots. You don't need a rationale, and if you set your mana, pet hp, pet mana at 99% (use potion and stuff), you'll probably burn a lot more potions but spam skills more often. I chose the conservative approach and had my afk use potions only when necessary.

        Server: Sea of Dreams


        • #5
          ya i would love more slots. i am a ranger hybrid and i have alot of stong skills and i gotta keep changing them or click them as i afk to use. few more slots would do
          my name Wolfy and i drunk alot lol


          • #6
            I just wonder, how many slots would the other classes optimally need?

            Server: Sea of Dreams


            • #7
              LOVE this idea its just what i need
              Server: The Wilterlands

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              • #8
                I could definitely use some more skill slots o.o
                Last edited by Kakalili; 07-21-2016, 07:33 AM.


                • #9
                  Love this idea + 1 from meeeeeee :d
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                  • #10
                    i agree, i need more quick bar slots too.

