I come to re-suggest some of my best suggestions, try again won't hurt for good ideas.
Class fusion
what about an class fusion. just like this tree..
Rogue ________________[-----------]
the spaces that are [-----------] is an new class that will be inserted, the class fusion system will be like that:
the next class have the hability trees of all previous classses and one new tree for equiparate the stats of the previous for support one of each mother class trees, like you are the fusion of ranger and priest, and for you have one hability tree of each one of the classes that the fusion have, new weapons, some new classes shold have they own set and well they can use the set of each classes of they own set, the names of the next classes R2Games can give. I just suggested one. have fun.
Equipment lvl up and hability imput
Equipment lvl up
just one nice suggestion that I got in mind, what about the equipments can lvl up?
I thinked in 2 systems for get xp for equipment, please R2games.com select the best one.
system 1: the equipment if is equiped will get some exp, or can make an weapon xp bar for store xp for weapons.
system 2: the equipment uses character's EXP:
Example the equipment will need to lvl up if they are in that lvl, example lvl 1 equipment will need about 10 of xp to lvl up, and that will can depend of the quality, in Epic quality or moe will need about 10% of the xp.
and I suggest for the equipment can't have more than 5 lvls more than the character actual lvl.
after lvl up the equipment will get +20 durability max, each 20 lvls you get one slot for put one hability.
Hability imput
will be like gems socketing system,I suggest for the habilitys will can be purchased of an NPC or drop of dungeons, but well if you buy of an NPC you can improve it for increase hability lvl, in dungeons you can have hing chance for get hing lvl habilitys.
Money store(suggestion for something like one bank)
it will be great. store money and you will get more of it of kill some monster, make events, and other things, some money will be deposited at the bank or money store. I suggest for do the same with the crystals. you can put this system at the vault.
Thanks for coming to see
by: Xalnaga

Class fusion
what about an class fusion. just like this tree..
Rogue ________________[-----------]
the spaces that are [-----------] is an new class that will be inserted, the class fusion system will be like that:
the next class have the hability trees of all previous classses and one new tree for equiparate the stats of the previous for support one of each mother class trees, like you are the fusion of ranger and priest, and for you have one hability tree of each one of the classes that the fusion have, new weapons, some new classes shold have they own set and well they can use the set of each classes of they own set, the names of the next classes R2Games can give. I just suggested one. have fun.
Equipment lvl up and hability imput
Equipment lvl up
just one nice suggestion that I got in mind, what about the equipments can lvl up?
I thinked in 2 systems for get xp for equipment, please R2games.com select the best one.
system 1: the equipment if is equiped will get some exp, or can make an weapon xp bar for store xp for weapons.
system 2: the equipment uses character's EXP:
Example the equipment will need to lvl up if they are in that lvl, example lvl 1 equipment will need about 10 of xp to lvl up, and that will can depend of the quality, in Epic quality or moe will need about 10% of the xp.
and I suggest for the equipment can't have more than 5 lvls more than the character actual lvl.
after lvl up the equipment will get +20 durability max, each 20 lvls you get one slot for put one hability.
Hability imput
will be like gems socketing system,I suggest for the habilitys will can be purchased of an NPC or drop of dungeons, but well if you buy of an NPC you can improve it for increase hability lvl, in dungeons you can have hing chance for get hing lvl habilitys.
Money store(suggestion for something like one bank)
it will be great. store money and you will get more of it of kill some monster, make events, and other things, some money will be deposited at the bank or money store. I suggest for do the same with the crystals. you can put this system at the vault.
Thanks for coming to see
by: Xalnaga