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  • Gmut(Bound)suggestion

    Who agrees with me to make Gmuts event in Event master to make it 8-10 attempt every reset and use only 5muts

  • #2
    No one. I don't want to see my server flooded with Kilin, yet.
    A werewolf, A wearwolf, A warewolf, Aware wolf.


    • #3
      5 MUTs is so little. The current exchange is okay but make it like you can exchange for as many as you like (no maximum tries/attempts in a day).
      life is unfair


      • #4
        Originally posted by RandomGamer View Post
        5 MUTs is so little. The current exchange is okay but make it like you can exchange for as many as you like (no maximum tries/attempts in a day).

        You realise that someone who goes to at least 5 different dungeons with 8 runs each could obtain more than 180 MUTs a day (which means 5 bound GMUTs)? Not to mention many people (including me) use their alts to grind on several places all at once. If people could exchange as many as they please, Hellwing and Gilded Battle stallion would be scattered around everywhere
        阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
        地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


        • #5
          Originally posted by R24656887 View Post

          You realise that someone who goes to at least 5 different dungeons with 8 runs each could obtain more than 180 MUTs a day (which means 5 bound GMUTs)? Not to mention many people (including me) use their alts to grind on several places all at once. If people could exchange as many as they please, Hellwing and Gilded Battle stallion would be scattered around everywhere
          Then make the MUTs amount higher.
          life is unfair


          • #6
            Originally posted by RandomGamer View Post
            Then make the MUTs amount higher.
            That wouldn't be THAT horrible BUT I'm sure there are a number of people who just stack up all the MUTs they get in case they feel like makin another alt for the Bear GMUT exchange at level 45. Now. If someone stores like 10k MUTs and GMUT exchange is 100 per its still like 100 GMUTs from 1 time. Anything higher than that would be just a crazy amount. I think the 3 GMUT a day is good as it is.
            Last edited by spellfreak; 06-16-2013, 12:27 PM. Reason: spelling mistake ;-; don't judge

