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Sengolia Battlegrounds Spawnkilling

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  • Sengolia Battlegrounds Spawnkilling

    omg once in seng the other team just ran 2 our spawnpoint and began spawnkilling us! i think dat the spawn area of each team should be a protected area, so we wont be spawnkilled again.
    Yes, i think that its fair to protect the spawnpoints.
    No, i dont think its fair to protect the spawnpoints.

  • #2
    Will vote yes on this.
    my suggestion to fix it would be,
    Land Grab Battle for guilds has a blockade. use the blockade at both start points, players will be auto teleported into the field in a generic area (closest or furthest tower still standing alternating if possible) or a random location on map.
    Entry into event is protected. spawns are random so people will have harder time to camp or people will have a moment to adjust at least before being teleported

    or that the spawn movement restriction is removed
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 06-16-2013, 05:43 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
      Will vote yes on this.
      my suggestion to fix it would be,
      Land Grab Battle for guilds has a blockade. use the blockade at both start points, players will be auto teleported into the field in a generic area (closest or furthest tower still standing alternating if possible) or a random location on map.
      Entry into event is protected. spawns are random so people will have harder time to camp or people will have a moment to adjust at least before being teleported

      or that the spawn movement restriction is removed
      The spawn movement restriction shouldn't be removed in my opinion because rogues who go all out into move speed and have Pfrags they can just get killed on purpose for once, speed to the crystal in like 3 seconds and use the other 7 seconds left on the immunity to kill the crystal (or at least get it down like 50% due to their amazing atk speed) which would end up in more and more complaints :P


      • #4
        Originally posted by spellfreak View Post
        The spawn movement restriction shouldn't be removed in my opinion because rogues who go all out into move speed and have Pfrags they can just get killed on purpose for once, speed to the crystal in like 3 seconds and use the other 7 seconds left on the immunity to kill the crystal (or at least get it down like 50% due to their amazing atk speed) which would end up in more and more complaints :P
        ya was half tempted to say limit the time of it if we can move. lot of people are pretty fast


        • #5
          Ugh, please get rid of the stupid debuff that takes ******* seconds to recover your entire HP (Make it recover instantly, dammit!) and restricts you to move/attack shortly upon spawning. It just makes you into helpless sitting duck that can be killed instantly
          阿謨伽尾盧左曩 摩訶母捺囉摩抳 鉢納摩 人嚩攞 鉢囉韈哆野吽
          地・水・火・風・空に偏在する金剛 界尊よ


          • #6
            i play on s62, and i also hate how theres a huge crowd around the battlemaster (in L1) before sengolia starts, and when it starts, theyre the first ones to enter the battleground and rush to the other teams life crystal and destroy it.
            for starters, some others dont get a chance to enter at all because of the rushers finishing the round as soon as you enter.
            * if this has happened 2 u, please reply saying that the same thing happens in your server. thanx!


            • #7
              i agree dammit i hate when that happens cuz i just wanna get back to the game instead of waitin 4 my health 2 recover.


              • #8
                I'm on s62 too, so I know exactly what you mean.

                Seng *used* to be fun for everyone wayyyy back when. Now it's just eido's rush to the xtal and destroy it. it doesn't even last long enough to get points - for either side. What happened to the balancer buffs? What ever happened to having to work as a team and actually having a balanced shot at winning? This is why I stopped playing a year ago. Within 6 minutes, 2 xtals had been destroyed - at that rate, why bother making it an hour long event? I mean heck, all they need is 5 minutes max. Seng used to be one of, if not the, best part of CS. Now, it's just go in and get your badge. Try to fight and you just get 1-hit KO'd anyway - not to mention not moving their health bar in the least with over 3k atk.

                On that note, maybe it's time R2 started splitting up arenas so there's one for lvls 30-60 and another for all the high levels. At least then it might be a game again.


                • #9
                  Splitting arenas will only kill the event further, since your arena will have so few people in it. If you want a fair shot at fighting they need to fix the balancer buff- right now it only adjusts for base levels, and thats it. It doesn't take all the other stuff the high level Eidolons have had a chance to work on into account, such as wings, pixie, sperion, soul, equipment, or skills.


                  • #10
                    That's true, no matter what you have on you shouldn't be able to destroy a xtal that fast. iob isn't like this, I get my kills there, so it seems the right mechanism exists somewhere in the system.


                    • #11
                      ok thanx guys ill post a new post saying dat u shouldnt b allowed 2 leave ur spawnpoint before theres 60 players in the battleground. 2 seconds ago i was on saying how the butts from spirit l1 kept gangbanging us...


                      • #12
                        yes i also agree they should sort seng like avernal realm and hellstorm.


                        • #13
                          I agree.. i have seen people get repeat killed so much they can't click or move and then get booted from event, thats not very fair. but i also think you should make it so people have to LEAVE the area and play or they get booted. It's not fair if others do the work and everybody gets rewards.


                          • #14
                            All you need is to have an Invisibility Buff that lasts 2 seconds longer than the Spawn/Heal buff. That should give you more than enough time to get out of the way or prepare to save your crystal.

                            Or a 5%HP drain per second while in Spawn Area for opposing team members
                            Last edited by Jimeous-CS; 07-22-2013, 11:21 PM.


                            • #15
                              A good idea would be to Make some sort of barrier so they cant enter but when you heal back to 100% you are teleported outside.
                              That would at least stop them from being able to spawn kill so badly you get kicked.
                              Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                              I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                              I treat all players equally - so they all die.

