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Important things

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  • Important things

    So GMs remember you made Battle Bear like pets which had been upgraded as non-trans?
    I do dungeons daily and get a lot of blue/golden/purple stuff to sell. i have to quickly sell them save time.
    I was just thinking that if someone was selling stuff quick and sold his heart of eden or superior fragrach sword VII?
    I know there is just 1% chance but it matters a lot.
    So there are my two suggestions :
    1) Make very important stuff like fragrach weapons and heart of eden to be un-sellable and un-throwable as there is 1% chance someone would sell or throw them.
    2) Make a item lock with which you can lock an item with a password and that item cannot be sold to NPC or thrown without entering password. This password lock could be applied to any thing

    Please think over them. I know there is a very very small chance that someone would throw these things but i think for a full fledged MMO, a service or small things are very neccessary. Also, it could be that we would charchter lock our important items before logging off so that even if someone hacks your a/c, atleast that stuff won't be affected.

    EDIT:: I am sooo sorry wrong thread... can you move to suggestions and count this thread as a post in the Thread where you can put your ideas and suggestions? i might just be chosen and get a prize lol...
    EDIT: Thanks VT. And please i am dying to know what the people + officials think. leave a message below.

    EDIT: Just for an addition. I think there are some things which should be made un-bound. Soo many people get scammed for clothes and packs like the surf and sand one. Why not make them un-bound till they get open? it will also totally END the scammers who scam people for gold.
    Last edited by magmadude; 08-14-2012, 09:55 PM.
    My Guides

    IGN - (S25)Magmadude2 Lvl6x
    Wings - Ultimate Demigod VIII
    Plane - Scion
    Soul- 423
    Weapon - SupFragSword V +4 (damned weapon won' enchant )
    Pets - SA, SD, bonosauras, baby demon, teeka, baby bear cub (tank pet), Gobbler, Canvas Teddy

  • #2
    item lock is a good idea indeed, hate it when i keep getting keep tiger at vidalia need to delete them (i'm always scared, i will accidentally delete my other mount lol).


    • #3
      yeah... item lock would be cool ^_^


      • #4
        certainly a nice idea
        If It Has To BE...It's Up To ME


        • #5
          Moved to Suggestions & Feedback *o*
          The King doesn't fall so easily boys


          • #6
            Very good idea
            +1 to this !


            • #7
              i said this in the event thingy a while ago


              • #8
                awesome ideads magam
                Support this please

                IGN: (s28)Tadashi


                • #9
                  This idea gets a +1 from me in fact it would be cool if all equipment that's bound to u after equip cannot be NPCed or dropped mmm
                  Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                  I am a 100% Noob


                  Become a friend and be kind

                  hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

                  MY GUIDES:
                  [Guide-How to reduce lag]

                  I THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK


                  • #10
                    full agree +1. important item such as slayers must be unsellable n undrobable.
                    Now Playing ~ Shadowbound [S13] - Hunter

                    played games so far (in many different account) ~ Crystal Saga, Wartune, Broken Realm, Eternal Saga, Dragon Pals, Yitien, Blade Hunter (alpha), Lunaria Story, League of Angels, Monkey King Online, Crusader of Solaris, Shadowbound, Mythborne (alpha), Stormthrone (alpha) more list to come

