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rogue stealth skill should change abit

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  • rogue stealth skill should change abit

    rogue skill should change a bit

    stealth skill
    if come out from stealth they can't stun
    that's the only suggestion i can gave cause all class will lose to the stealth + stun skill except tanker

  • #2
    yea man, rogue is too OP
    IGN: Esther
    Server: Zenho Island
    Level: 32
    plane: mortal
    wings: Extreme glowing wing 1 (2 star)
    mount: Rabiit (soon 2 b cat. 2 stars)
    pet: morphed vulture
    gears: complete shining set (wahahahaha)
    honor: vassal

    friends guide:


    • #3
      yea stealth + stun = hands off
      IGN: LeeMinho
      Server: Psychodelica


      • #4
        its really unfair for us


        • #5
          I don't see an issue with stealth - but the stun ; shouldn't be a 100% rate. keep stealth lower effectiveness of stun ; or do what Aion did - give every class a skill to remove stun...
          VIP (S27)Catastrophe @ Celestial Palace
          61: Earl
          Teeka (NaughtyNurse) she spanks with that fan beware =x
          Married to GTFO


          • #6
            i mean don't make the stealth skill and stun skill together..............


            • #7
              Rouges are assassins in basic terms and assassins are made for stun and quick kills and the basic stun only works in stealth mode so asking take of stun and stealth from being used together is kinda unfair cause rogues as they r very easy to kill cause of low defense stealthiness is their only basic defense (from lvl 1 to lvl 50 only after that they can work on soul and increase defense) and stun is a way they can run away IF they r in trouble but if they got good advantage then they have no need to stun in fact there r rogues in my server who almost never uses stuns unless he is fighting with a equal or someone who is superior my server which is currently merged with 3 other servers (S21),(S12)and(S14) so this idea kinda makes it unfair on rogues (think on others perspective)
              WELL THAT'S WHAT I FEEL
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              I am a 100% Noob


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              hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

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              • #8
                im a shadow rogue im lvl 45 but i can kill lvl 50 ranger healer mage


                • #9
                  Yeah we should have our stealth nerfed because we are so strong *sarcasm* I get 1 shot all day long in Seng and Open PvP by random fire mage casts and sometime get killed by Flame bursts meant for other people. So of course go ahead and nerf us please ^.^ Oh and lord forbid our targets are moving we will never hit them. Do you know how much of a pain it is to have to run 3 meters infront of a enemy, while stealthed, just to make sure your stun hits him and the skill isnt wasted and knocks you out of stealth without doing anything and if it does work I may be able to hit him more than once before he moves and i cant hit him anymore again.....

                  Way Rogue skills work;
                  Check if player is within attack range => if pass use skill => cast time => rogue stops moving => player is now out of range => skill doesnt hit anything but is still wasted/used => rage

                  And you guys want to remove/hamper the one thing rogues are any good for o.O.... I mean come on we have the weakest attack/weakest defense/ Weakest health/weakest Damage mitigation and we have to fight within melee range and usually die before we get there if we arent stealthed/get knocked out of it by an AoE.

                  ...... /Flame off please continue as you were >.>

                  Stiggy (Lvl 97 scion rogue FTW)
                  Last edited by Stigmata; 08-17-2012, 11:58 AM.
                  Name: Stigmata a.k.a Stiggy
                  Spouse: TheFallenOne
                  Server: (S2)Xianyang
                  Level: 70
                  Guild: Matrix
                  Guild Title: MrEngineer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stigmata View Post
                    Yeah we should have our stealth nerfed because we are so strong *sarcasm* I get 1 shot all day long in Seng and Open PvP by random fire mage casts and sometime get killed by Flame bursts meant for other people. So of course go ahead and nerf us please ^.^ Oh and lord forbid our targets are moving we will never hit them. Do you know how much of a pain it is to have to run 3 meters infront of a enemy, while stealthed, just to make sure your stun hits him and the skill isnt wasted and knocks you out of stealth without doing anything and if it does work I may be able to hit him more than once before he moves and i cant hit him anymore again.....

                    Way Rogue skills work;
                    Check if player is within attack rage => if pass use skill => cast time => rogue stops moving => player is now out of range => skill doesnt hit anything but is still wasted/used => rage

                    And you guys want to remove/hamper the one thing rogues are any good for o.O.... I mean come on we have the weakest attack/weakest defense/ Weakest health/weakest Damage mitigation and we have to fight within melee range and usually die before we get there if we arent stealthed/get knocked out of it by an AoE.

                    ...... /Flame off please continue as you were >.>

                    Stiggy (Lvl 97 scion rogue FTW)
                    same point as stigma
                    Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                    I am a 100% Noob


                    Become a friend and be kind

                    hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

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                    I THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Stigmata View Post
                      Yeah we should have our stealth nerfed because we are so strong *sarcasm* I get 1 shot all day long in Seng and Open PvP by random fire mage casts and sometime get killed by Flame bursts meant for other people. So of course go ahead and nerf us please ^.^ Oh and lord forbid our targets are moving we will never hit them. Do you know how much of a pain it is to have to run 3 meters infront of a enemy, while stealthed, just to make sure your stun hits him and the skill isnt wasted and knocks you out of stealth without doing anything and if it does work I may be able to hit him more than once before he moves and i cant hit him anymore again.....

                      Way Rogue skills work;
                      Check if player is within attack range => if pass use skill => cast time => rogue stops moving => player is now out of range => skill doesnt hit anything but is still wasted/used => rage

                      And you guys want to remove/hamper the one thing rogues are any good for o.O.... I mean come on we have the weakest attack/weakest defense/ Weakest health/weakest Damage mitigation and we have to fight within melee range and usually die before we get there if we arent stealthed/get knocked out of it by an AoE.

                      ...... /Flame off please continue as you were >.>

                      Stiggy (Lvl 97 scion rogue FTW)
                      Yeah half the time if stun even connects (generally cos of lag) your target actually stops out of range and any concurrent attacks are wasted - so u just stand there slashing at thin air while ranged fighters have a bit of a giggle and kill u from a safe distance.

                      Honestly, the stun shud have a drag feature so that wherever the target stops u zoom in on them. Then maybe u guys would have a right to fill the forum with complaints.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by R2258793 View Post
                        Yeah half the time if stun even connects (generally cos of lag) your target actually stops out of range and any concurrent attacks are wasted - so u just stand there slashing at thin air while ranged fighters have a bit of a giggle and kill u from a safe distance.

                        Honestly, the stun shud have a drag feature so that wherever the target stops u zoom in on them. Then maybe u guys would have a right to fill the forum with complaints.
                        i am not with the drag feature since some rogues r actually strong but this idea on the stealthiness and is just against all rogues and even if this idea gets implemented please know rogues vs knight(tanker only but rare case of DPS too) then knight wins and rogue VS mage and mage wins so basically taking out the advantage of rogues is basically making them weakest class there is
                        Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                        I am a 100% Noob


                        Become a friend and be kind

                        hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

                        MY GUIDES:
                        [Guide-How to reduce lag]

                        I THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK


                        • #13
                          Plus if you have the forgiveness from the void soul there is a chance that the stun doesn't work so if you are so scared of rogues stun just max forgiveness for a 20% chance that the stun doesn't take effect or if your a ranger just place a trap next to you.

                          IGN: Michaelhero
                          Server: Crimson Groves
                          Class: Shadow Rogue
                          Guild: Conquer
                          Lvl: 60


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stylist View Post
                            rogue skill should change a bit

                            stealth skill
                            if come out from stealth they can't stun
                            that's the only suggestion i can gave cause all class will lose to the stealth + stun skill except tanker
                            Nope, not only knights can survive that stun. I happen to know a mage who survived 3 stuns -.-

                            Also if you are a Priest lvl 70+ you can't get stunned at all

                            Then you have forgiveness, that can activate possibly during the stun...

                            Then you got your pets, purification, etc etc...

                            So many ways to avoid that stun, not to mention, rogues are assassins, they are weak otherwise without that stun.

                            Originally posted by Stigmata View Post
                            Yeah we should have our stealth nerfed because we are so strong *sarcasm* I get 1 shot all day long in Seng and Open PvP by random fire mage casts and sometime get killed by Flame bursts meant for other people. So of course go ahead and nerf us please ^.^ Oh and lord forbid our targets are moving we will never hit them. Do you know how much of a pain it is to have to run 3 meters infront of a enemy, while stealthed, just to make sure your stun hits him and the skill isnt wasted and knocks you out of stealth without doing anything and if it does work I may be able to hit him more than once before he moves and i cant hit him anymore again.....

                            Way Rogue skills work;
                            Check if player is within attack range => if pass use skill => cast time => rogue stops moving => player is now out of range => skill doesnt hit anything but is still wasted/used => rage

                            And you guys want to remove/hamper the one thing rogues are any good for o.O.... I mean come on we have the weakest attack/weakest defense/ Weakest health/weakest Damage mitigation and we have to fight within melee range and usually die before we get there if we arent stealthed/get knocked out of it by an AoE.

                            ...... /Flame off please continue as you were >.>

                            Stiggy (Lvl 97 scion rogue FTW)
                            ^ the reason why I will never play a rogue xP I suck at PvP and nice knowing from a few testes yesterday that my afk mode works better then me using my fingers T^T
                            Last edited by Chelsia; 08-19-2012, 09:45 PM.
                            If I post something really weird that makes no sense whatsoever it means I'm not mentally there at the time I post it (probably sleep deprived)

                            Character: (S31)Kiesha
                            Server: Tree of Life
                            Plane: Eidolon
                            Class: Hybrid Priest
                            Guild: Harmless


                            • #15
                              Find your own way to deal with it. Not only for rouge but for all classes.
                              You can win against your enemy by:
                              1) Find their weaknesses
                              2) Don't give up
                              3) Create your own style / combo skills etc.

                              "KNOW THE GAME, PLAY THE GAME"
                              Scion Emperor
                              Server: MHL

