Hi, Im Ringless from Nebulan Ridge server, and I have a couple of ideas to make Crystal Saga even more enjoyable 
First Idea: Im a healer, and I like sengolia, but I dont get much out of it, wouldnt it be great (and motivating to healers all around) to actualy reward players for their healing done, rather then just for their kills?
Second Idea: Okey this is a rather BIG idea.. but maybe you can take it and do something with it. I found it rather dull and boring that everyone has basicaly the same wings.. the same path to go down that is. Wouldnt it be much more fun, personal and colourful, if you can choose different specialized paths of wings you want to go down, for instance: patk, matk, defence and ofcourse HEALING! and to maybe have them in different colours?
- Similiar things could be done with mounts, maybe when you introduce the feeding them with disenchantment-crystals, allow players to pick which stats they want to improve with every level that your mount gets. And maybe once you max it out in for example healing, it could have a special look.
Thrid Idea: I'm sure others have said it but here it comes again: Please take into account that some of us are from Europe and live in a completely different timezone. The idea that you have certain daily events like sengolia at specific times is great but it would be much apreciated it if I didnt have to stay up untill one o clock at night just to participate in them. (some of them Ive never even seen because they only happen when Im sleeping)
Fourth Idea: or rather pointing something out: Dungeons are to easy to solo.. make it harder so that people will actualy Play Together... it shouldnt be so that me beeing a healer, when I first hit level 55 I could solo Sacrifical Relics straight away.. as a healer... really.. Great for purified crystals, not great for the teamspirit and the working together with different Roles which is what role playing is supposed to be all about.
Fifth and final idea for now, the credit for which should go to my friend Ixis. It was her idea to have a friendship buff or bonus when partying with a friend, the effects of the bonus would depend on how high your friendship is. I imagine the buff would have to be small enough so that it can stack when you play with more then 1 friend.
Thanks allot for reading and for a fun game R2, hope this helped.

First Idea: Im a healer, and I like sengolia, but I dont get much out of it, wouldnt it be great (and motivating to healers all around) to actualy reward players for their healing done, rather then just for their kills?
Second Idea: Okey this is a rather BIG idea.. but maybe you can take it and do something with it. I found it rather dull and boring that everyone has basicaly the same wings.. the same path to go down that is. Wouldnt it be much more fun, personal and colourful, if you can choose different specialized paths of wings you want to go down, for instance: patk, matk, defence and ofcourse HEALING! and to maybe have them in different colours?
- Similiar things could be done with mounts, maybe when you introduce the feeding them with disenchantment-crystals, allow players to pick which stats they want to improve with every level that your mount gets. And maybe once you max it out in for example healing, it could have a special look.
Thrid Idea: I'm sure others have said it but here it comes again: Please take into account that some of us are from Europe and live in a completely different timezone. The idea that you have certain daily events like sengolia at specific times is great but it would be much apreciated it if I didnt have to stay up untill one o clock at night just to participate in them. (some of them Ive never even seen because they only happen when Im sleeping)
Fourth Idea: or rather pointing something out: Dungeons are to easy to solo.. make it harder so that people will actualy Play Together... it shouldnt be so that me beeing a healer, when I first hit level 55 I could solo Sacrifical Relics straight away.. as a healer... really.. Great for purified crystals, not great for the teamspirit and the working together with different Roles which is what role playing is supposed to be all about.
Fifth and final idea for now, the credit for which should go to my friend Ixis. It was her idea to have a friendship buff or bonus when partying with a friend, the effects of the bonus would depend on how high your friendship is. I imagine the buff would have to be small enough so that it can stack when you play with more then 1 friend.
Thanks allot for reading and for a fun game R2, hope this helped.