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in party mode

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  • in party mode

    ok i am tired of getting screwed out of events and quest because u an only do it 1 suggestion is when u have to do a quest with a party. or if your doing a even with a party u need to make it where once party leader enters it auto puts the rest of the party in to...people will say there ready and once party leader gos in they leave the party and your screwd..most time u need the party u cant do the even or quest by your self..there for u have to leave and u cant do it again because it says 1/1 then 0/1. that would make game 100% better and most people would think so to
    Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

    Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

    Class: Ranger

    Class: Knight

    Level: 54

    Level: 44

    Rank: Viscount

    Vip: yes

  • #2
    that only happens if leader disbands, if party leader leaves then it auto-assigns a new leader.
    Only join parties you trust if you keep having parties that mess up your chances to finish events.


    • #3
      no your very wrong....if i am party leader and i say need vault healer/tank etc..i go in and they leave the party..then im screwed and i have to leave obv cuz i cant solo there for im screwed out of the quest..why it should be once party leader goes in it puts everyone in...i have played about 5 different games that have tele and they are all like that...
      Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

      Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

      Class: Ranger

      Class: Knight

      Level: 54

      Level: 44

      Rank: Viscount

      Vip: yes


      • #4
        Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
        no your very wrong....if i am party leader and i say need vault healer/tank etc..i go in and they leave the party..then im screwed and i have to leave obv cuz i cant solo there for im screwed out of the quest..why it should be once party leader goes in it puts everyone in...i have played about 5 different games that have tele and they are all like that...
        if ur having such problems just make alts then u control ur party not others and don't need to depend on others
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        • #5
          dont see why making a big deal..this ideal is actualy good..if do valts and stuff it should be that everyone gets put in at once and not at there own choosing when ur in a party for valt or other dung..
          Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

          Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

          Class: Ranger

          Class: Knight

          Level: 54

          Level: 44

          Rank: Viscount

          Vip: yes


          • #6
            Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
            dont see why making a big deal..this ideal is actualy good..if do valts and stuff it should be that everyone gets put in at once and not at there own choosing when ur in a party for valt or other dung..
            Because almost nobody uses a party for dungeons maybe some new players who don't know about alts or maybe some players in new servers but other than that almost everyone either uses alts to make their own party and and get all the loot or if strong enough they solo it themselves and alt system actually works (in a way!!!) since all loot belongs to u anyway so more items to help u get stronger
            Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

            I am a 100% Noob


            Become a friend and be kind

            hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

            MY GUIDES:
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            • #7
              Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
              no your very wrong....if i am party leader and i say need vault healer/tank etc..i go in and they leave the party..then im screwed and i have to leave obv cuz i cant solo there for im screwed out of the quest..why it should be once party leader goes in it puts everyone in...i have played about 5 different games that have tele and they are all like that...
              you mean they leave the party because your loading to long?.. because otherwise, what you say makes simply no sense... if your party ditches you, you post in wc again and ask for other members that can join you and enter without problem... it might cost you some work but it is no reason for just giving up. @.@°

              Furthermore, if your party members left before you all are done they screwed themselves; then of course if they leave before the quest is finished they wasted their run for nothing. o.o°

              otherwise then this...I like the idea for ladder.
              Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
              or if your doing a even with a party u need to make it where once party leader enters it auto puts the rest of the party in to...
              It would help us, to not waste runs when all other members are on a different floor already and 1 disconnects while loading and automatically gets kicked. Because, as always, you already went to the next lvl til the party shows that the player just diconnected...and wuuuuuush one member down and his/her next post includes a link from the tree of life outside. u.u°
              It also would save us some time since it seems to be a pain in the *** to click the npc with a BA or DK or your own wings blocking it...because every next lvl the 'turn player off' option, seems to forget that this includes the pets as well...

              of cause you have to scream for your party leader to wait right the second you see ozwald mico or dexter on this floor. or there needs to be an option similar to the one to 'automatically allow ride requests' to 'automatically allow warp' to avoid that issue also...
              Last edited by Toki-sama; 08-18-2012, 04:32 AM. Reason: being me.
              IGN: Toki
              Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
              Class: HalfBlood Priest
              Current lvl: Scion 80+
              Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld

              ~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~

              "to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
              --e.e. cummings

