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low lvl killing/loosing honor

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  • low lvl killing/loosing honor

    ok im tired of high lvls that are 10+ lvls higher killing lower lvls like my self in a quest and loosing the guest items cuz of them killing ideal is if there 10+ lvls higher and they kill u in a event quest it should take honor points away or even when ur not and ur out farming and they come and kill u...i brought that up and people agreed and said it should be that way..lmk what u think
    Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

    Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

    Class: Ranger

    Class: Knight

    Level: 54

    Level: 44

    Rank: Viscount

    Vip: yes

  • #2
    You should not lose quest item if you get PKed because they are supposed to be bound items, even normal unbound items can't drop unless you have a PK level yourself. PKing is a feature of the game, if you don't like it, then change to a PvE server.
    If you are talking about losing quest items in GR / delivery, then just simply don't do those, for they are designed as BATTLEGROUNDS, no one force you to take part in them


    • #3
      im guessing low level people agreed , *sigh* and i don't get what you mean event items and if you lose them then im sure you engaged battle yourself to get pk points so basically it's your fault


      • #4
        no like the guild crops one where u have to get certain amout of each..hardly anyone pks but u got those few that dont even do the quest and just pk u to be a ***...and make u lose the event cuz they spawn kill u...

        and it shouldnt matter anyway event or not..u shouldnt be going around killing low lvls there for u should lose honor points
        Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

        Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

        Class: Ranger

        Class: Knight

        Level: 54

        Level: 44

        Rank: Viscount

        Vip: yes


        • #5
          Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
          no like the guild crops one where u have to get certain amout of each..hardly anyone pks but u got those few that dont even do the quest and just pk u to be a ***...and make u lose the event cuz they spawn kill u...

          and it shouldnt matter anyway event or not..u shouldnt be going around killing low lvls there for u should lose honor points
          its called labor quest where u get a quest to farm 5 items of a certain level with the designated area not guild crops
          and guild crops is something that can only be done by the leading guild of the certain server and it can only be planted and turned into by the guild members not by members of other guilds
          and also killing others is a part of a PVP server regardless if they r low level or equals
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          • #6
            Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
            no like the guild crops one where u have to get certain amout of each..hardly anyone pks but u got those few that dont even do the quest and just pk u to be a ***...and make u lose the event cuz they spawn kill u...

            and it shouldnt matter anyway event or not..u shouldnt be going around killing low lvls there for u should lose honor points
            about guild crops, the system itself is encouraging player to steal it, were anyone to be blame then bring it to system
            about players who pk for nothing,,,, ill judge them when i become op player lol
            They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
            But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hyorinmaru6 View Post
              its called labor quest where u get a quest to farm 5 items of a certain level with the designated area not guild crops
              and guild crops is something that can only be done by the leading guild of the certain server and it can only be planted and turned into by the guild members not by members of other guilds
              and also killing others is a part of a PVP server regardless if they r low level or equals
              i mean the quest guild resorces quest...most people go in and do there thing..then u got the jackasses that dont even do the quest just kill people to **** them off..and yea your right it is pvp server..but that doesnt make it where u can go kill somone 10-15 lvls and pwn them over and over when they are doing a quest.. they should loose there honor..i pk but i do it pvp events...only time your suppose to pk anyways
              Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

              Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

              Class: Ranger

              Class: Knight

              Level: 54

              Level: 44

              Rank: Viscount

              Vip: yes


              • #8
                Originally posted by RaiderNation View Post
                i mean the quest guild resorces quest...most people go in and do there thing..then u got the jackasses that dont even do the quest just kill people to **** them off..and yea your right it is pvp server..but that doesnt make it where u can go kill somone 10-15 lvls and pwn them over and over when they are doing a quest.. they should loose there honor..i pk but i do it pvp events...only time your suppose to pk anyways
                if ur talking about guild resource then look at R21892248 said he/she said don't do GR/Delivery and the pvp events GR = guild resource and secondly if u think ur life is worst then think again cause i get PK my 80 lvls above me +scions so compared to me ur pvp server is way better (only reason i survive is because i got good gear equipment/wings/soul and mount)
                Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                I am a 100% Noob


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                hate and violence only brings wars which will lead to casualties

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                • #9
                  First, I want to say that I agree that killing lowbies in GR isn't a right thing to do, it is because I started off this game as a full support priest, so I understand how frustrated it is to be killed while I couldn't retaliate. However, you should understand that GR's full name is GUILD RESOURCE BATTLEGROUND, the word ''BATTLEGROUND'' means that the map is designed as a pvp map and it's a game feature, you can't really do anything about it. I will suggest that you do what I did back then: don't do GR, raise your honor through guild quest and Sengolia. Then get stronger until you are strong enough to defend yourself against others. If you insist on doing GR, you can take off all equip (so you won't waste gold repairing them) and put the harvested items back in vault as frequently as possible so you will not drop them. Another good way to do GR is to NOT do the first GR as many people tend to do it at that time, just do the later ones


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by R21892248 View Post
                    If you insist on doing GR, you can take off all equip (so you won't waste gold repairing them) and put the harvested items back in vault as frequently as possible so you will not drop them. Another good way to do GR is to NOT do the first GR as many people tend to do it at that time, just do the later ones
                    or you can do it at crypt time, many high lvl choose it over gr, be quick tho for crypt only last 5-10mins
                    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
                    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


                    • #11
                      i love the pvp event battles and stuff..i was giving an example when i was talking about GR..when it has nothing to do with talking about doing ANY type of quest then have a ribbit lvl 70 or so come kill a lvl 30..they should lose honor..thats bm as ribbit
                      Last edited by MemoryLane; 08-18-2012, 02:44 AM. Reason: fixed bad language
                      Server: Cimmerian Woodlands

                      Guild: RaiderNation "Owner"

                      Class: Ranger

                      Class: Knight

                      Level: 54

                      Level: 44

                      Rank: Viscount

                      Vip: yes

