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Hallowe'en Event Suggestion

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  • Hallowe'en Event Suggestion

    Let's go all out!

    Female Costume:
    Top = Witch Hat ; Changes hair colour black ; green face with hooked nose.
    Bottom = Witch Outfit

    Male Costume:
    Top = Vampire Hair
    Bottom = cape and caboodle

    Special Weapon (expires Nov. 1st)
    (F)'s get a Cauldron
    (M)'s get a Sword?? (like Selene in underworld :/)

    Females get a broom
    Males turn into a bat

    Black Cat (obvious)
    Werewolf/Lycan for teh vampires ^^,

    a trick or treat line of quests where at turn in you get a treat (some kind of reward like wedding candy gives +gold or +xp) or a trick which spawns a random mob like the good friends pack

    somethin' fun like that ^^, I really want to fly around on a broom as a witch LOL. even having more then one costume for each gender would be quite nice for diversity ^^,
    Last edited by xbruce; 08-17-2012, 12:30 AM.
    VIP (S27)Catastrophe @ Celestial Palace
    61: Earl
    Teeka (NaughtyNurse) she spanks with that fan beware =x
    Married to GTFO

  • #2

    10 chars ftw
    VIP (S27)Catastrophe @ Celestial Palace
    61: Earl
    Teeka (NaughtyNurse) she spanks with that fan beware =x
    Married to GTFO


    • #3
      No bumping. <- also 10 chars.
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      • #4
        Check the posting of all the Halloween ideas. I'm excited for it, hope they make a really Dark/Synister costume. I'll finally spend a lil cash on the game.
        Lil by lil my signature will become better.

        Ign: Sai
        Level: 130
        Class: Rogue
        Plane: Eidolon
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        • #5
          Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post
          No bumping. <- also 10 chars.
          mmm I hunted through 4 pages of threads to find this one - next time instead of bumping should I just copy the origional and past a new thread? yeah, what I thought.
          VIP (S27)Catastrophe @ Celestial Palace
          61: Earl
          Teeka (NaughtyNurse) she spanks with that fan beware =x
          Married to GTFO


          • #6
            Originally posted by xbruce View Post
            Let's go all out!

            Female Costume:
            Top = Witch Hat ; Changes hair colour black ; green face with hooked nose.
            Bottom = Witch Outfit

            Male Costume:
            Top = Vampire Hair
            Bottom = cape and caboodle

            Special Weapon (expires Nov. 1st)
            (F)'s get a Cauldron
            (M)'s get a Sword?? (like Selene in underworld :/)

            Females get a broom
            Males turn into a bat

            Black Cat (obvious)
            Werewolf/Lycan for teh vampires ^^,

            a trick or treat line of quests where at turn in you get a treat (some kind of reward like wedding candy gives +gold or +xp) or a trick which spawns a random mob like the good friends pack

            somethin' fun like that ^^, I really want to fly around on a broom as a witch LOL. even having more then one costume for each gender would be quite nice for diversity ^^,
            thare was a halloween costumme design costume conest already
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            • #7
              Originally posted by tajmahal62 View Post
              thare was a halloween costumme design costume conest already
              mmhm, I know - but I also know they don't just take things from contests and use their own as well, hence - the suggestion for more then just a costume.
              VIP (S27)Catastrophe @ Celestial Palace
              61: Earl
              Teeka (NaughtyNurse) she spanks with that fan beware =x
              Married to GTFO


              • #8
                hmm i really like the idea though anf i want a cat but i want to be a vampire to though


                • #9
                  There was a Halloween costume contest suggestions before and if u didn't post it then i am sorry to say that all things needed for Halloween has already been picked so ur idea of being implemented is kinda low
                  Learn the search function and use the search function help r2 by reducing the threads which might have already been posted

                  I am a 100% Noob


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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hyorinmaru6 View Post
                    There was a Halloween costume contest suggestions before and if u didn't post it then i am sorry to say that all things needed for Halloween has already been picked so ur idea of being implemented is kinda low
                    looks like your comprehension is low as well, so look up 2 posts, I already covered it thanks! (btw, hallowe'en is over 2 months away, there's still LOTS of time to implement stuff for it.
                    VIP (S27)Catastrophe @ Celestial Palace
                    61: Earl
                    Teeka (NaughtyNurse) she spanks with that fan beware =x
                    Married to GTFO

