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Guild reawrds suggestion

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  • Guild reawrds suggestion

    I've noticed that being in a guild lvl 5 i can't get rewards for 2-4th(5 requires 45lvl), though the system says that guild requred lvl 2-5 or below when I want to get a reward. The leader said that I won't be able to get those rewards at all, just the 5th is available as long as I reach lvl 45. I'm 41lvl now and the guild will soon be the next level. It's not fair that those rewards are unavailable to me.

  • #2
    Ask your guild leader to wait until you reach lvl 45 (or until all active members reach lvl 45) before leveling up the guild. Any guild leader who respects and cares about their members would be willing to wait as long as you are active and trying to level up. Otherwise, perhaps you need to find a guild that does care about you getting your rewards.

    Just because a guild is able to level, doesn't mean the guild leader has to upgrade it right away.
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    • #3
      I mean that when I try to get a reward for, say, lvl4 guild - the game says that the guild requires lvl4 or below(what is that suppose to mean anyway? =)). Can't the admins just make rewards available to receive if the guild has lvled up already?
      And 1 more question - if I get the reward for 6th level guild then the 2-5 rewards will be unavailable?


      • #4
        I still think these rewards are unfair to older players/servers that worked hard to get their guild high... my guild is lvl 10 since I can remember and yes it is a nice feature for *new servers* that still are working on their guild lvl ...but do you really have to force us to switch to different guilds with lower lvl just to get these rewards and punish us for having worked so hard to get this guild to lvl 10?
        Last edited by Toki-sama; 08-19-2012, 05:01 PM. Reason: being me
        IGN: Toki
        Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
        Class: HalfBlood Priest
        Current lvl: Scion 80+
        Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld

        ~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~

        "to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
        --e.e. cummings


        • #5
          The rewards are dependent on what the current level of the guild is. If you are in a lvl 4 guild, then you should be able to collect the level 4 rewards- but you can only accept these rewards once, no matter how many level 4 guilds you are in. When the guild levels up to lvl 5, then the lvl 4 rewards are no longer available only the lvl 5 rewards will be.

          If you have never collected lvl 4 guild rewards from any lvl 4 guild, you may need to submit a ticket.
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          R2Games Ticket System for browser games:


          • #6
            Originally posted by MemoryLane View Post

            If you have never collected lvl 4 guild rewards from any lvl 4 guild, you may need to submit a ticket.
            so we could fill a ticket to get the older rewards because our guild was lvl 10 before this was implemented?
            IGN: Toki
            Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
            Class: HalfBlood Priest
            Current lvl: Scion 80+
            Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld

            ~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~

            "to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
            --e.e. cummings


            • #7
              Originally posted by Toki-sama View Post
              so we could fill a ticket to get the older rewards because our guild was lvl 10 before this was implemented?
              wow then i will just file tons of ticket and get all my older rewards which i couldn't because my guild is also high level No way instead of filing soo many tickets why not just make the function that even if ur in a high level guild u can get the lower level rewards as long as 1 ur either on the same level of the requirement for the guild reward or above it and 2 that guild ur in must be either the same level as the selected reward or above it lower level guild will not be allowed to get the higher level reward
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              • #8
                I still think these rewards are unfair to older players/servers that worked hard to get their guild high... my guild is lvl 10 since I can remember and yes it is a nice feature for *new servers* that still are working on their guild lvl ...but do you really have to force us to switch to different guilds with lower lvl just to get these rewards and punish us for having worked so hard to get this guild to lvl 10?

                If it was addressd at my post - I have nothing against a high level guild, in fact I want to become a high lvl as well just that I'd like the rewards for the guild lvls that I've missed. BTW I contribute to the guild each day and think that I've earned it.


                • #9
                  No, you wouldn't file a ticket about the older rewards. My comment was to Sneec who mentioned collecting the level 4 guild rewards. The guild itself has to be level 4 to collect the rewards. Same with the level 5 rewards- the guild has to be level 5, and so on.

                  The rewards aren't so awesome that anyone is missing out by being in a level 10 guild, by the way. Most people already have an egg hatched pet if they were in that guild the whole time. :P
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                  • #10
                    well I misunderstood your comment. u.u°
                    still I'm working on my BA and want to get it to gen 5, same for a dk one day, which means I need many SDs/SA's... these *eggs* and other rewards still help. and I think it is mean that we have no chance to get them once... like ever...
                    Because I can't just leave my guild and risk losing a lvl 7 and 9 guild skill that cost me a fortune to up...

                    Last event I could accept all '+' lvls to +13 for my pet too, same as my soul lvl I didn't only get the last one there, why not open all guildrewards lvls for a lvl 10 guild with a lvl requirement let's say 100?
                    It would be a nice gesture, to all higher lvl guilds, to not make them feel like they made a mistake by having a higher lvl already....I'm not the only one in my guild that is upset about it. u.u°

                    and we get enough thrown in our ways by r2 atm anyway....but this would be way off topic and we already filled tickets that seemed to stay ignored.

                    @ Sneec I didn't say you have anything against it, I just thought I could mention it *here* since it isn't off topic instead of making another thread to *peep* there.
                    IGN: Toki
                    Server: (S29)The Molten Highlands
                    Class: HalfBlood Priest
                    Current lvl: Scion 80+
                    Guild: lvl 10 (S29)UnderWorld

                    ~current vacation stand in by Cha;):cool:~

                    "to be nobody but myself, in a world which is doing its best to make us like everyone else, means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."
                    --e.e. cummings


                    • #11
                      Oh... I misunderstood you. Sorry.
                      Yeah Toki-sama's proposal is fair. Why not do it? More reasons to lvl up the guild

