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Island of Blessing suggestion

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  • Island of Blessing suggestion

    I thought about this after I had this conversation with Sebastian1988 :

    I think it would be interesting if the stones were automatically adding point to our team instead of having to turn them in.

    But this way, many players would complain about blue pack so I was thinking it would need to come with something like that

    It could be a checklist where we select the packs we want and the packs we don't want :

    - Blue rain pack
    √ Green rain pack
    √ Yellow rain pack
    √ Purple rain pack

    Like this I would receive white rain pack while blue rain is activated
    Last edited by R25743361; 08-17-2013, 10:05 AM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    actually i kinda like this idea becuz i hate getting blue packs when im trying to get white but i guess its called save the stones and skip over blue


    • #3
      Yeah if you could choose what pack you want after its unlocked it would be cool.
      Originally posted by iTz_SoN
      I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
      I treat all players equally - so they all die.


      • #4
        i love this idea!!
        (S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
        server: Erie Marsh

        "Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness
        "Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."


        • #5
          tht would be neat would allow ppl tht dont want the blue or green packs to get white till purples activte also would allow ppl tht would rather have yellow then purple to get tht instead o.o
          Scion: (S38)Carpy
          Level 60 Mage
          Level 20 Hellwing
          Gen. 2 BA

          Shine of Ariel


          • #6
            good suggestion, or increasing the time of rainstones so they don't expire. they last for 2 hrs, hr past event. if get booted/kicked from event they go to waste.
            island crashed my video card today fighting for stones with just one character running &that is it. would like to be able to play w out lag &my comp burning up trying to do simple things.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
              good suggestion, or increasing the time of rainstones so they don't expire. they last for 2 hrs, hr past event. if get booted/kicked from event they go to waste.
              island crashed my video card today fighting for stones with just one character running &that is it. would like to be able to play w out lag &my comp burning up trying to do simple things.
              A client would solve the latter problem. But there's no point in talking to deaf ears.
              Stalkers OP.

              Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


              • #8
                Originally posted by Carpyyy View Post
                tht would be neat would allow ppl tht dont want the blue or green packs to get white till purples activte also would allow ppl tht would rather have yellow then purple to get tht instead o.o
                Actually I like white and green packs,white for ho's and honor, green for 3x exp token and eso's


                • #9
                  They release a great event, but do it half assed. Island of blessing is the event that will get everyone to divine wings, unless of course you work or go to school and can't be on in the middle of the day or DISCONNECT! Crappy Sengolia has 2 times and 4 total events. Take half of those away and add another Island time. If Sengolia doesn't have a disconnection problem there's no reason Island of Blessing should. It's a simple fix. I'm starting to believe they want it to be that way to put another obstacle in the way of fun. Fun it what causes people to spend more money. Fun will bring more people to the game. I see new players come to the game and only last a few weeks because its not fun getting creamed all day and the only chance you get to get some good stuff fails when you disconnect.
                  "The freedom we believe we have is an illusion. Open your mind and see the truth of this world!"


                  • #10
                    I have a good suggestion for the Island Of Blessing, I hear of a lot of players getting disconnected or booted when the event starts in the game, let the players that have gotten booted be able to reenter the I.O.B. but the same side they was originally on, This way the players can still have fun and enjoy the game, I am on the google light testing and i still get booted and disconnected from the event so I know it's not just my connection as the gm's are saying, there full of it.


                    • #11
                      make players play by the rules of iob instead just leting one team win every day Click image for larger version

Name:	untitled2.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	194.4 KB
ID:	1677699


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MomoJay View Post
                        They release a great event, but do it half assed. Island of blessing is the event that will get everyone to divine wings, unless of course you work or go to school and can't be on in the middle of the day or DISCONNECT! Crappy Sengolia has 2 times and 4 total events. Take half of those away and add another Island time. If Sengolia doesn't have a disconnection problem there's no reason Island of Blessing should. It's a simple fix. I'm starting to believe they want it to be that way to put another obstacle in the way of fun. Fun it what causes people to spend more money. Fun will bring more people to the game. I see new players come to the game and only last a few weeks because its not fun getting creamed all day and the only chance you get to get some good stuff fails when you disconnect.
                        seng does not boot because you have nothing to gain by staying..... IoB boots upon disconnect becayuse players can simply collect rainstones then disconnect until say server reset or right before IoB the next day.... having 11 total purple rain packs for the group.... yes the few who do get D/C'd suffer but its a memory intensive browser game with mass concentraions of players trying to load at the same time as effects and such.... tends to cause people with cheaper computers to crash.... they did not put in place the boot upon disconnect to **** people off they did it to stop people from "cheating" so to speak

                        Originally posted by R21002241 View Post
                        I have a good suggestion for the Island Of Blessing, I hear of a lot of players getting disconnected or booted when the event starts in the game, let the players that have gotten booted be able to reenter the I.O.B. but the same side they was originally on, This way the players can still have fun and enjoy the game, I am on the google light testing and i still get booted and disconnected from the event so I know it's not just my connection as the gm's are saying, there full of it.
                        This would be a good idea with the rejoin.... however how would you garuntee they could get on the same team? maybe just allow entry anytime through the event?

                        Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                        good suggestion, or increasing the time of rainstones so they don't expire. they last for 2 hrs, hr past event. if get booted/kicked from event they go to waste.
                        island crashed my video card today fighting for stones with just one character running &that is it. would like to be able to play w out lag &my comp burning up trying to do simple things.
                        increasing time? well i just pointed out to momo the issue with that.... besides even if they expire they can still be turned in(so long as you do not log out/disconnect) meaning they are not wasted if you wish to leave your computer running overnight

                        Originally posted by chaoswars View Post
                        make players play by the rules of iob instead just leting one team win every day
                        actually the way they do it prevents having a stalemate of 2 teams with yellow packs and provides optimum purple pack farming.... i see the reasoning but it also is problematic as players will tend to get lazy after doing that

                        also i have a suggestion.... REMOVE THE RETURN TO STARGLADE OPTION FROM THE BATTLEGROUND AMBASSADORS.... there is the option to return to SG in the main two zones.... i have multiple times now exited absent mindedly when hunting for stones until the very last second rushing to get back in to get the rain packs
                        Last edited by Shadowlisk; 11-07-2013, 04:01 PM.
                        Server -Kabam English
                        Char Name - World
                        Level - Eidolon lvl 98
                        Class - Hybrid Dodge Build Rogue(combination of a few builds)
                        Guild - Reality(leader)
                        no longer playing


                        • #13
                          I also agree with this person, No one really wants the blue pack.


                          • #14
                            Can there be an AFK Restriction timer in Island of Blessing like there is in Sengolia? Everytime i go to Island of Blessing, nobody ever wants to go inside unless they know they have the best player(s) in the game on their team. Then they wanna complain about how they never get any good packs, but they never go inside.


                            • #15
                              Having yellow pack instead of purple would be quite helpful

