So today was teh day i got really fed up and decided to make a thread about this issue i have EVERY day. When im running dungeons i like to make it quick and easy on myself by linking coordinates of bosses, or linking the chamber guardians in psychodelica. (because the list of npcs on the map is far from organized and the npcs are in a different order on the list for each difficulty level) Doing this means i dont have to open my map every time i want to move my toon and close it again, just a quick click and go. Considering the lag it helps a great deal.
Now here is the problem. SYSTEM MESSAGES! I personally DONT GIVE A **** whenever somebody hatches a pet, sockets a gem, upgrades a mount, sperion, morphs a pet, or who wins crypt, fairy search, who got a morphed pet at monster island... You get the point. These system messages only add spam to an already flooded chat due to all the ppl spamming for parties non stop. I have some screenshots to share with u guys as an example. Yes i know i can clear the system messages by switching the chat channel then switching back, but it happens so often it becomes a real pain, and i might as well just be opening my map and clicking the spot i wanna go to, which defeats the purpose of linking coordinates and npc's.
So my suggestion is to add more to the system setting interface (the button beside the goddess button). Add an option to turn off player related system messages (for pet morphing, hatching, socketing etc) and an option to turn off system messages related to events (like seng when someone destroys a crystal, or when GR opens/closes). Or bring in the bullhorn channel and USE IT ONLY FOR SYSTEM MESSAGES. then system messages can stay out of our guild and party chats. It really just straight up annoying when we see messages go across our screen AND flood our chat at the same time. Especially when it messes up my party chat, or even world/guild chat when trying to talk to ppl there.
I know most of you players probably dont link npcs/coords and are thinking "damn, why didnt i think of that" and some of you just dont care, but lets get some feedback on this. Im curious to see what other high level players think of this. Please give some feedback

Now here is the problem. SYSTEM MESSAGES! I personally DONT GIVE A **** whenever somebody hatches a pet, sockets a gem, upgrades a mount, sperion, morphs a pet, or who wins crypt, fairy search, who got a morphed pet at monster island... You get the point. These system messages only add spam to an already flooded chat due to all the ppl spamming for parties non stop. I have some screenshots to share with u guys as an example. Yes i know i can clear the system messages by switching the chat channel then switching back, but it happens so often it becomes a real pain, and i might as well just be opening my map and clicking the spot i wanna go to, which defeats the purpose of linking coordinates and npc's.
So my suggestion is to add more to the system setting interface (the button beside the goddess button). Add an option to turn off player related system messages (for pet morphing, hatching, socketing etc) and an option to turn off system messages related to events (like seng when someone destroys a crystal, or when GR opens/closes). Or bring in the bullhorn channel and USE IT ONLY FOR SYSTEM MESSAGES. then system messages can stay out of our guild and party chats. It really just straight up annoying when we see messages go across our screen AND flood our chat at the same time. Especially when it messes up my party chat, or even world/guild chat when trying to talk to ppl there.
I know most of you players probably dont link npcs/coords and are thinking "damn, why didnt i think of that" and some of you just dont care, but lets get some feedback on this. Im curious to see what other high level players think of this. Please give some feedback
