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Avarnal huge change.

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  • Avarnal huge change.

    Ok lets forget about the lagging pets for now..
    This area is suposed to test youre true total damage right?
    I love this event since it has competition in it untill.....

    Elixers <------ is there a way you could remove the stats in the arena Gms?
    I believe the event is ruined by it this is not a battle on soul lvls anymore but on potting
    please fix it

  • #2
    I disagree. Part of being the best is knowing how to best use your tools. That'd be like having an infiltration missing and telling your soldiers they can't use night vision goggles at night because it's an unfair advantage.

    Besides, elixirs' main advantage is the % increase, which is only good if you have good stats - so it's still a battle of soul lvls.

    Get yourself some pots or suck it up.
    LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

    LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



    • #3
      i dont wanna keep getting 1st place with pots cus most people cant do it without its just not right elixers go use them in ladder or something not in these kind of events.
      then let the event itself give you elixers from the start.
      i can see the diffrence with pots myself in the area dont need to tell me if it s good or not.
      I can tell youre one of them the way you talk.

      This is as weird as if you could use hp pots in bath.

      Some events just lost their meaning lik example BATH itself to is one.
      I think bath is suposed to be a teamwork event it s true the ticks are they teamwork but im pretty sure it s not suposed to be that everyone stand on the bridge where they cant get hit by lighting and just keep healing over time.
      Bath has just become a sleeping exp event. ( not that is t bad but just an example )

      Avernal has lost it s meaning to now.
      Last edited by Mellow; 08-22-2012, 03:09 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by R22260316 View Post
        I disagree. Part of being the best is knowing how to best use your tools. That'd be like having an infiltration missing and telling your soldiers they can't use night vision goggles at night because it's an unfair advantage.

        Besides, elixirs' main advantage is the % increase, which is only good if you have good stats - so it's still a battle of soul lvls.

        Get yourself some pots or suck it up.
        I agree with you completely.
        And on the matter of bath, the whole point is to stay alive as long as possible to receive as much exp as you can. Teamwork is one way to do so. If we weren't supposed to stay out of the lightning, there wouldn't be the safe zone where lightning doesn't hit.
        Last edited by Paperclip_Mayhem; 08-22-2012, 06:12 PM.


        • #5
          Well i don't see the point in this mellow says no elixirs stats and everyone else says its needed and if u got a problem with it just add up ur own
          so my question is

          If ur having trouble matching others attack level then why not just jug up some elixirs urself ? and make ur own fight more great and if a priest gives u some buffs then great !

          But if ur saying that other players may not be adapt to it then tell them to jug up some elixirs.
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          I am a 100% Noob


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          • #6
            It s true the elixers are a bit messed up i also rather dont use.
            But i still make it in the ranking between the potters without using them.
            Im pretty sure i get rank 1 with pots lol.
            Well i gues this will just be a spamming contest now.
            Goodluck to all.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jefttt View Post
              It s true the elixers are a bit messed up i also rather dont use.
              But i still make it in the ranking between the potters without using them.
              Im pretty sure i get rank 1 with pots lol.
              Well i gues this will just be a spamming contest now.
              Goodluck to all.

              There are no decent players left i see Well lets end the topic just here

