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Players with Fused Kilins before update.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by ragex0411 View Post
    Support Ticket Opened [#881812]

    Same one i gave to BrotherVT, he got no response from them either.
    It just means that I'll keep on this ticket until I'm satisfied.

    Originally posted by Haphaestus View Post
    So its basically confirmed, R2 is planning to rip off every player who bought marks of gods and fused there kilins before the secret update. I have max amount if tickets sent to them on 4accounts, over 60tickets. Not 1 of them has been replied to, anything that has something to do with compensation for Marks of Gods or Players who fused Kilins before there secret update are being 100% ignored. Players we just gotta stop cashing for these greedy dirty bastards and boycott there company until they stop screwing people over.
    You seriously opened up 60 tickets? No wonder people aren't getting replies to their tickets.
    You should have learned by now that you shouldn't be opening up more than two at most.
    Last edited by BrotherVT; 08-27-2013, 03:09 PM. Reason: Merging Posts
    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


    • #17
      I opened 2 over a week ago, no reply, so sent 2 more 2 days ago, no reply, so got ****** and sent them alot. They wont even give me there "oh we are working on it thank you" response, they are just deleteing my tickets.


      • #18
        Originally posted by ragex0411 View Post
        I opened 2 over a week ago, no reply, so sent 2 more 2 days ago, no reply, so got ****** and sent them alot. They wont even give me there "oh we are working on it thank you" response, they are just deleteing my tickets.
        You sure they're deleting your tickets or you just can't seem to find them?

        Some times the reason people aren't getting responses to their tickets is because of players who keep on spamming the ticket system. Good job on that.
        Last edited by BrotherVT; 08-27-2013, 03:17 PM.
        The King doesn't fall so easily boys


        • #19
          well, in game... if somebody spams ur pm or world chat wtv... they get ignored... so why would u expect it to be any different when spamming tickets? if i was answering tickets id take note of the person that spams and ignore them for life.


          • #20
            Originally posted by PrinceKuja View Post
            well, in game... if somebody spams ur pm or world chat wtv... they get ignored... so why would u expect it to be any different when spamming tickets? if i was answering tickets id take note of the person that spams and ignore them for life.
            Spamming tickets ensures you get sanctioned as you are delaying services for other players.
            If you need to spam tickets, what you're saying is: "Omfg I'm hella important, tend to me first". That's not the type of mentality we need to see in regards to the ticket system.
            Patience is a virtue and having a Moderator assist with your ticket is your best chance.
            The King doesn't fall so easily boys


            • #21
              Patience with R2 isnt a virtue, they have no plans to compensate any players on the Kilins or the Marks of God i assure you, no1 will be compensated, they will keep saying dont worry we are working on it, then 3 months down the road will stop talking about it and no1 will get there items back. This is not a guess, its a fact, its the R2 MO. Screw there customers every chance they get for a penny.


              • #22
                If you are referring to the Mark of Gods from the Point of Interest event last week, you're wrong as I've already gotten three people who has PMed me their Ticket Numbers compensated.

                Now I'll make this very clear and say it only once. If you wish not to be patient after being patient for as long as you have so far, then I have nothing more to assist you with nor in the future. The reason I've stuck with you these last couple of days is because I WANT you compensated. However, you don't seem to see things that way. So if you want to keep it up, since you're doing quite the fine job as far as I'm concerned, then we can continue on. Otherwise, what I've stated above will take the initiative depending your next answer.

                I'm out to help players such as yourself, but if you make this too difficult, then I will sever the ties permanently. This goes without saying to the rest.
                The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                • #23
                  I would like to get compensated, just like the others who did this would, basically now everyone who cashed before this event is gimped not just for a short time, its perm. Our Kilins will ALWAYS be weaker then every one who fused after. If you can help please do, i only know maybe 10players who fused before, so it shouldnt be to hard to fix that.


                  • #24
                    Well, I'm glad you chose the correct answer.
                    I may come out hard by the way I type and act, however, it doesn't change the fact that I'm in this Mod game in order to give players the support they may or may not find via the ticket system.
                    So if you wish to assist me here, then I'll be glad to take a PM with the list of players who had fused before this little update, their servers and then have them ONE ticket regarding the issue.
                    The King doesn't fall so easily boys


                    • #25
                      Okay if you fused before the Update or know of a player who did, please Put your name and server in here.


                      • #26
                        (Unsurprisingly) a lot of players who have logged tickets about serious issues don't get responded soon. It's a different case when its a transaction issue of course...

                        Something like this really should have an official announcement by R2 in the announcement board because the fact is, not every player who checks announcements for events will check game discussions.

                        Even fewer would check the suggestions board.

                        If you're really keen on getting people compensated, get R2 to get their act together and actually make an official announcement on this. Having this posted on announcements will guarantee that more players will see this and that it is an acknowledged issue otherwise, others and myself can't help but feel they really pulled a really dirty move on the community.
                        Sith's Priest Guide


                        • #27
                          Eh, the should lower the prices of mak of gods on the mall


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by visualkei2 View Post
                            Eh, the should lower the prices of mak of gods on the mall
                            They should have events to give us free Mark of Gods, they've done it for almost all cash shop items except this. Not like its gonna hurt anyone.


                            • #29
                              I just want my extra 10% bonus stats i should be getting.


                              • #30
                                Any update on this?

