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[Feature] Market System

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blinq View Post

    Idea of implementing market is good but your method of application isnt suitable for CS. I mean crediting players with real life money would be same as those online gambling games. What could be done though is crediting players with just crystal, then again complications arises, as stated by seb.

    As for the market system itself....

    Note (Unbound Gold in eternal saga = crystal in CS)

    Gear synthesis exclusive items are kept fully game based in Eternal saga, but other than that most of the other important items like enchant stones/pet enhancing items/refine stones/mount enhancing items are cash items exclusively unbound, while game based drops for them are bound. The only option open to get these drops as unbound is to be lucky at using Moonlight key ( participation award 110), which I must say, have a possibility of dropping something good in heaven is equal to spawning FL from 10 eggs. So as you can see, the devs in Eternal saga have given some thought on this. They have opened the access of getting rl cash based currency through ingame auction, but the important items are kept as bound and low quantity in game. Hence it puts a balance, The orange gears, high lvl synthesis bi products like Moon essence or amythest are made ingame exclusive, so players can make gold from them. However it takes some srs effort getting these items, and since it wont go for cheap, the younger players who quickly wants to succeed can only paypal gold to buy these from auction. Hence the game company makes money even from items that are game based drops. As for the high level players, they do make some free gold but surely it isnt enough for max level upgrade that only cashers can achieve in endgame.

    Similar strat can be implemented in CS, but then we would need all the gmuts/ew etc to be full bound, no the matter the source ( TT, rb pack, av, iob). The Gear synth items maybe sold for good amount of crystal, right now most popular eb shards/gears. But gear synth in CS not as complicated compared to ES. Over there the substitute for ESD is amethyst and this can be obtained unbound from honor shop.

    So you can see there is a vast difference between the two systems, and if r2 wants to implement this they would be whole lot of refurbishing. Make esd ingame drop only? Mmm i dont think the existing cashers would like that...

    R2 can implement this system by putting a limit, say limit of putting items in Market is limited once a day per player, and price shouldnt be any lower than the Sale time price in Fate shop. But question is how does r2 benefit?

    Offtopic, im very interested on this 'Refining Stone' system, that changes the green stats of your items randomly.Im sure this will be a very popular item in CS if implemented. Many of the pcs in our gears, like Purg or eb ring for rogue, have some stats which arent really that useful. At endgame, rogue can get 100% critical being semi naked with frag and sb only, hence having stats for critical simply useless. If there was an item which could give us the opportunity to randomly change specs of green stats in our gears till we like, then I think this can be a great product. Ofc to stop the useful stats from changing ( say the crit damage) can use something like the refine lock. Im very interested in this system and would be eager to see if r2 can make our CS devs release something similar.

    ya it would take a lot of balancing. just like the alchemy suggestion made recently. which, the alchemy thing could in a way be done already with systems in place(goddess system and roses)=ability to earn daily roses through quests or some other means. but that would need balance as well. basically searching for a least abusable sys or concept that will benefit the individual and the whole community. more happy players= more dedicated players. more people for cashers to fight in which ppl wont complain as much. wouldn't mean everyone would be instantly casher str or totally stop "omg they are insanely OP so unfair" complaints, which would like to say-if they paid for it- that's their benefit.=end desired result, provides a method for advancement in things players have a rough time in &to give a break to cashers.

    Originally posted by MomoJay View Post
    I understand you're trying to make the game better for all players, but I can't support more new stuff until they fix some of the old stuff. Until the disconnect issued is fixed in Island of Blessing I will protest on every thread and vote against every new idea or system. The CS world is like a house. The foundation was laid with the original events, bath, Sengolia, training ground, etc. The first floor was built with the first rebirth and the events that came after. A third floor was constructed with the second rebirth and the events that came after it. I feel the tree system is the start of a third floor, but the foundation is cracked. The honor system has been completely neglected causing the house to lean. The game still states there will only be 2 Emperors per server. I guess those guys don't work for r2 anymore. IoB could be a great PvP event if the disconnection problem is fixed and battle pot can be used. The market could use some improvement but its very low on the list of things that will make the game better.

    would like to remind you that you can only vote once. and that's one of the data points I use for thread summary's, having to remake a poll erases the results. if the results are largely skewed by those votes and people who do similar. you are in the end rejecting something because of something totally unrelated even though you would support it as it seems if not for the other things&in end if those things were to get fixed- would take longer for then the good suggestions that were rejected to get interest/good votes back before considering it a public hot topic/great thing for game for R2 to look into. topic is the feature, not those things. [No New Server Or Advancements/Unique Player Adjustments] please comment and vote there with that stuff(bug fixes etc in detailed list) I will help it be heard. in end, lot of my suggestions are wishful thinking. as its been expressed before I'm just another player, my suggestions in no way will be suddenly the main focus's&be worked on esp more then other things of higher importance. can't even promise that it would be done by any means.
    I do my best to make sure all sides are heard. so there is no need to go around downing everything just because want something else first- lets do this the right way.
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 09-21-2013, 06:14 AM.


    • #17
      wow... this poll SO needs more attention. this is a FANTASTIC idea.
      (S39)Schrodinger, Eidolon, Knight
      server: Erie Marsh

      "Save a life, grope your wife" Breast Cancer awareness
      "Stupid people are like slinkies, they are good for nothing but will bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs."


      • #18
        Any kind of offline buying/selling would be GREEEAATTTT (Tony Tiger style )
        Server S58/S56/Loads of others
        Proud, Bada$$ Blood Priest, the only on this server
        Level: 100+
        Mount: Titan
        Weapon: Perfect I (for now)
        View me for the rest, ya stalker.
        I have tried every build and every priest skill, not including the new ones. Send me a forum PM or ingame if you would like help.
        I will freeze you in place, reduce your defenses to nothing, take away your ability to act, and on top of that I will destroy you. I am a priest!


        • #19
          It would take the coders about 200 years to code something like this. And what's even funnier is that it probably wouldn't work for the first 50 years either since the coders have the intelligence of a french fry (which is why it takes them 6 months to fix 2-3 bugs). The only thing R2 is good at is making themselves money.


          • #20
            Woah, I should start playing that game
            Trust Is Like A Sand Castle. Difficult To Build, But Easy To Destroy...


            • #21
              For someone like me that doesn't like peoples who using those market way outside R2. I completly agree with your system gamma, It would make the game more fair for all players and also fair for you R2's Staff. ^^

