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  • sugestions

    Actuly i have a long list of sugestions so if you could all take them on thier individual marits and like the ones you like and add sugestions for the ones you are not shure about i wold be greatful. in addition ill be adding why i think this would benifit the players and or r2.

    1. more vault space.
    more vault space meens more room for players to store items. in addition to benifiting the players it will also benifit r2 in the fact that players will have more space for not only items they are saveing for latter but also for costumes. i personaly have passed by many of the costumes for the simple fact that i do not have the space for them.
    alternatly a page in the vault dedicated to just costumes would be benificial as well as i have two full lines in my vault dedicated to the costumes i curently have and i know many others in simmerler or worce situations.

    2. sacred fruit improvments.
    on this one i actuly have a few different ideas so i will be listing them under a b c ect.

    a. make all the formulas bottles and items to do with the sacred fruit tradable.
    the reson this would be benifitial is one there are players that do not have access to all of the dungons or arias. as well as on the other side some players do not want to afk on lower lvl arias just to get the needed items for the formulas. also there are some of the fruits that are not usefule to some classes ect. for example mage priest class do not need strength boosts. and the only class that needs a boost to heals is the priest class. by makeing the items tradable r2 could add them to the fate shop as well as them still being farmable and get some more money off its players.
    b. ok i lied or over estimated myself on that i only had the main sugestion of makeing the items tradeable.

    3. island of blessing.
    ok great event i love it most do but i have seen alot of players that have alot of issues with it. one is for players in different countrys. since crystal saga only has east coast or west coast servers the time is not convinient for all players. now i personaly almost nevermiss the curnet time so this is for the benifit of others. but maybe add a second time avalable like we cutently have with avernal to offer all players to take advantage of this awsume event.
    in addition to adding a second time make it so all items are tradable from the packs that would make it so much better for all of the players.
    benifits are more players able to take advantage of a really wonderful event

    i have more ideas but right now that is all im poasting please let me know what you all think
    Name: (S51)Aliceianna
    Server: Cimmerian Woodlands
    Class: Ranger Hybrid
    Plane: Eidolon
    Pet: Burning Angel (Gen 3), Demon King, and way more than i care to go into on here
    Level: 143+
    Honor Rank:Emperor
    Mount: Killin
    Guild: (S34)Rebels (General)

  • #2
    Lol I think the fruit one they have to make a synthesis manual. Like 3x level 1 fuit of (name) to get 1x level 2 fruit of (name) etc etc.
    And as for the purification bottles, they could be downgraded or upgraded to different colour( like green blue yellow etc) so high level characters wouldn't have to afk at low level area just to hunt the bottles and bottles drop rate is low. I got like 10 only for 4 hours of afk time. So it's tedious...
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    • #3
      Ive got some pet ideas:
      Baby aquarius
      Baby capricorn
      Baby sagitarius
      Baby leo
      Baby virgo
      Baby taurus
      Baby libra
      Baby cancer
      Baby scorpio
      Baby gemini
      Baby pisces
      And all other baby zodiacs

      Also got sme bears!: mutated bear cub
      Grizzly bear
      Young grizzly bear

      And some dragons
      Baby fire dragon
      Bab water dragin
      Baby lightning dragon
      Baby ice dragon
      Baby plant dragon
      Baby music dragon
      Baby blue dragon


      • #4
        There is ALOT that can be suggested. But nothing will happen about it. Like the new pixies, where am I supposed to get thousands of PUC? Bound items are ruining the economy, especially withe Ethereal wings in IoB packs. Wings are quite difficult to upgrade tyvm, needing at least a thousand or so to get through each part of angel lord. The "Return to Starglade" option be taken out of IoB completely. Would ask for Soul Shards to become tradable, but that's never going to happen. Better drop rates for Dragon Crystal and treasure keys taken out, or the event for them be permanent. In the dungeons 75+ there is no need to drop Heroic Wings anymore, have them drop Ethereal Wings. Exchanging any number of gems of any tier into coupons and the other way around. Upgrading the contents of Vidalian Legends packs to items that can actually be useful. No, a bound Mut and HW are not useful, I need GUTs ("Greater Upgrade Token", as "GMUT" is censored in the crystal saga chat) and EW. World Bosses spawning every 3-4 maybe 5 hours, so killing a boss after reset doesn't affect it's "first spawn". More ways to get wisdom, Soul Shards, Soul Stars, Greater Mount Upgrade Tokens, Pixie Upgrade Crystals, Enchanted Skill Dust, Supreme Enchantment Crystal, without useing crystal. All the events need another time as well for players who are not awake, or a "morning cycle" of the first available event to the last. After 2400 there is many hours of absolutely nothing.
        Down with (bound) items!!

