Is it possible that the day of the week can be included next to the server time? As an example, I live in the United States and today is Friday, but to many others in my guild, today is Saturday. We were suppose to attend LandGrab, but missed it because there was much controversy on what day of the week. Under Guild in the events tab, it states that showdown preparations will begin at 8pm on Saturday. The time is not the issue since we all know to look at the server time, but the day of the week is not there so whose Saturday would be the right Saturday. I think u get what I mean already and I hope that maybe a change could occur very soon. Thanks in advance. 
Disregard this - I must live under a rock - my computer date and time is wrong and reflect the wrong day of the week. Today is Saturday in the US. Soooo embarrassed now.

Disregard this - I must live under a rock - my computer date and time is wrong and reflect the wrong day of the week. Today is Saturday in the US. Soooo embarrassed now.