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[Promethean Wings I] nothing being done about its stats

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  • [Promethean Wings I] nothing being done about its stats

    I am here to talk about the [Promethean Wings I] after I got back a reply on a ticket, I simply wanted a straight up answer but from what I got as a reply it seems this is no bug on the stats, basically after upgrading:

    [Ultimate Divine Wings +10] to [Promethean Wings I] there is a major jump in stats, all I can say is those stats make me jealous [Promethean Wings I] because I can't stand to see things not have awesome unique adjustments that I believe if we support R2 in all possible ways&keep at the suggestion process the right way that they should be able to do at least something for us dedicated players who support changes done properly. if these stats are going to stay on [Promethean Wings I] then we should get the ability to make stats for wings that are below [Promethean Wings I] and above even more incredible in astounding ways that any player can do, its a unfair leap to all the other players who work as hard as the biggest cashers to get places &to their peak performance in the game.

    Things Like a wing enchanting system that uses regular enchanting items and isn't too crazy with fail %, maybe make it like pixie upgrading~ a static percent upgrade or for sure enchant after X amount used of enchanting.
    or some way to combine [Elixir of Striking (Bound)] etc and a couple heroic wings +enchant stuff to infuse wings with perma addition to wing stats like mount food. really, who would leave all that blood on their wings from killing people and not groom&have manicure/empowerment/training of their wings. who would not learn to fly better?
    just a few ideas. but it would be nice to see anything/something done to improve them for everyone

    Click image for larger version

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    It is unfair to people that are not cashers, but also R2 is losing money because the people with [Promethean Wings I] will not upgrade it anymore since the stats from that 1 upgrade is a big jump and upgrading those wing will only give about 100+ on stats only.

    I was told in the ticket to make a thread for this for feedback so I hope its not deleted like the last one
    Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 09-28-2013, 04:59 PM.
    IGN: [Eidolon]:(s6)xemy
    Windshear Peaks
    Trap ranger

  • #2
    Wow the stats jump is really a lot. That's 12k increase in P/Matt in the next upgrade!!!
    Ah and this is what you have asked about why your thread have been deleted. Lol I see.
    This Is A Computer Generated Post, No Signature Is Required.


    • #3
      Originally posted by weizheng23 View Post
      Wow the stats jump is really a lot. That's 12k increase in P/Matt in the next upgrade!!!
      Ah and this is what you have asked about why your thread have been deleted. Lol I see.
      thread was edited. would like to ask everyone to please respect forum rules. namely rule 11.R2Games- Forum Rules

      would like to see some method of increasing the stats of wings in some way. or that they get a unique adjustment in some manners.
      Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 09-28-2013, 11:41 PM.


      • #4
        i'm kinda close to exetreme Divines but... i don't agree with this thread simply cuz he cashed, cashing has always been known to get things quicker,that being said he also spent some 8 grand from what i hear to get through Divine Wings themselves... in other words if he did cash and i'm pretty sure he did he deserves those stats,now u wanna somewhat smack him in the face for dumping 8 grand into the game by making ur wings be um upgradable and not Prome wings?.... now do tell me how fair that is?


        • #5
          Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
          would like to see some method of increasing the stats of wings in some way. or that they get a unique adjustment in some manners. [/COLOR][/B]
          Only way to increase is by upgrading there's is no other way you would know this if you have played or seen the original version, and we should get an adjustment, copying other version stats is that allowed? you should talk to R2 about this since your a mod and there's a chance they will listen to you.
          IGN: [Eidolon]:(s6)xemy
          Windshear Peaks
          Trap ranger


          • #6
            Hmm, r2 forgot to nerf our promethean wings. Well the damage is done, lets just hope r2 doesn't do a silent update.


            • #7
              nerf? if u mean from legacy stats i do believe theres gives more,but lets think on this subject a bit,its almost w/o a doubt cashed from Divines as the almost only way to get done with them and do bare in mind i said done... now that being said and according to the chart of estimated wings per upgrade i still need some 13,300+ wings estimated,that equals some 6500 bucks or so,so in essence i dunno about u but if i spent 6-8 grand on Divine wings like some did even b4 any event gave much of them,i'd say thats a welcome boost in stats based on the ratio of cash it took to get them,wouldn't you? I still fail to realize what this thread is about? sounds to me something to the effect of i don't wanna spend that much cash can our wings have extra stat boost to somewhat = Prome wings for FREE plx? lolol truth is he most likly spent alot of cash so he deserves those stats....


              • #8
                We've always have nerf stats on wings, Sperions etc.. compared to other CS versions. Having that huge stat gap even shows it. Anyways wer're still missing 5-levels of promethean wings.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aionyx View Post
                  nerf? if u mean from legacy stats i do believe theres gives more
                  Don't say things you don't know [Promethean wings I] gives exact same stats as legacys [Promethean wings I], so r2 forgot to nerf it and it they decide not to nerf it then we will need a wing ajustment so the stats are all equal and fair.

                  And I don't care how much you spent cause if you had a brain you would know you should have spent your 8 grand on legacy because you get your moneys worth there.
                  Last edited by iyasn; 09-30-2013, 02:03 PM.
                  IGN: [Eidolon]:(s6)xemy
                  Windshear Peaks
                  Trap ranger


                  • #10
                    well i don't care how much he spent but obviously u do.... basically from ur rant ur saying screw him and screw the 6-8 grand he spent... us free players want stats like that its unfair boo-hoo... ok now try on his shoes for once, then say ur wings get some extra boost...(that ur asking for...) he can say gee i spent 6-8 grand for my stats and this free player spent notta and nearly has wings like mine that i spent 8 grand on... hmm would that be fair to him or cashers? the logics behind cashing is to get better faster... u want those stats then go cash.. simple


                    • #11
                      You don't get the point here. It is not about cashing it is about the not-nerfed stats although all other stats are nerfed here. It is about balancing.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TheRaspberry View Post
                        You don't get the point here. It is not about cashing it is about the not-nerfed stats although all other stats are nerfed here. It is about balancing.
                        What balance? Rogue & Priests rule the game.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sangofighter View Post
                          What balance? Rogue & Priests rule the game.
                          Priests..? Tbh dunno how many good Anti-Mage Rangers/Fire Mages there are in your server but from what I've seen/experienced Priests in no way rule the game..
                          Stalkers OP.

                          Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aionyx View Post
                            well i don't care how much he spent but obviously u do.... basically from ur rant ur saying screw him and screw the 6-8 grand he spent... us free players want stats like that its unfair boo-hoo... ok now try on his shoes for once, then say ur wings get some extra boost...(that ur asking for...) he can say gee i spent 6-8 grand for my stats and this free player spent notta and nearly has wings like mine that i spent 8 grand on... hmm would that be fair to him or cashers? the logics behind cashing is to get better faster... u want those stats then go cash.. simple
                            TheRaspberry just said it for me.

                            Originally posted by TheRaspberry View Post
                            You don't get the point here. It is not about cashing it is about the not-nerfed stats although all other stats are nerfed here. It is about balancing.
                            Also to add the people with the new wings where OP before the new wings and kill-able but now its something else, it just makes it unfair not just for PvP events but other things that happen in game.
                            IGN: [Eidolon]:(s6)xemy
                            Windshear Peaks
                            Trap ranger


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by TheRaspberry View Post
                              You don't get the point here. It is not about cashing it is about the not-nerfed stats although all other stats are nerfed here. It is about balancing.

                              balancing and nerfing cashers is ur point then? cashings point is to make it unbalenced... thus uber stats from cashing things free players can't get.... perhaps they arn't nerfed,but perhaps u spend 8 grand and get them would u be here now on this subject QQing ur wings are too uber for ppl? lolol i think not,so the point i gather is,someones a lil hurt that someone has OP wings and wants something done about it... cuz obviously cashing isn't a option here... be honest... the sinister point i get from his rant is smack him in the face for cashing 8 grand... his idea is either to nerf the wings or add boosts/stats w/e to all wings but promo wings... interesting don't u think? so perhaps make him look like a idiot for cashing 8 grand when he coulda kept Divine wings and added boosts... seriously? so what again is ur point?

