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Grinding for these Grand Marshal orders

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  • Grinding for these Grand Marshal orders

    I have a great suggustion. Make these Grand Marshal Orders drop a little more often!!!!!!! I have been grinding for about 2 months for the last 10 Grand Marshal Orders I need for lvl 150. And I still need 5 of them ,LMFAO I already had 4 now I have 5. How long am I gonna have to grind for the same Orders. You people have ruined this game. And I`m not the only 1 having this problem. The Elites are dropping **** drops. I would like to lvl up before this time next year!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Trust me, you were not the only one having problems with this orders. I was also having problems when i didnt' get one for about 2 weeks and i was only missing 2.
    Originally posted by Dr.Q
    Hm... best Tenet level, or home mortgage payment... what to do, what to do...


    • #3
      Well I can`t seem to get my last 5 Grand Marshal Orders and I have been grinding for the last 2 months for those 5 . I`m about ready to give up! And I have noticed that no GM what so ever has said anything about my posting, so they must not care that we are having this much trouble getting the orders. The game is pretty much ruined for me.Thank you R2 for ruining this game and not caring 1 darn bit about your players!


      • #4
        I agree with the above ,i need 9 more to reach 150 and have been grinding like forever ,and all devs say is ...its luck pft then i really have bad luck in this game . come on R2 give us a bit of slack .

        i agree with the above been grinding for like forever too only need 8 more to complete but seems out of my reach .yes R2 you have certainly ruined the game for so many people ,and are unwilling to reply to post`s .1 marshal order i one month that is truly bad luck .
        Last edited by VicZar; 01-23-2014, 11:20 PM. Reason: Merged


        • #5
          Your being screwed by r2, cause they refuse to release the NPC coupon exchange shop for that area as well as the activities that allow you to retain coupons to exchange them.


          • #6
            grinding for last 3 months for last 2 orders ,this is beyond a joke ,I leave my lappy on and grind for g/Marshall 7 hours every night .help us out here please .If any one has any idea`s whereto get them please post as as R2 don't reply .


            • #7
              Originally posted by blooms View Post
              grinding for last 3 months for last 2 orders ,this is beyond a joke ,I leave my lappy on and grind for g/Marshall 7 hours every night .help us out here please .If any one has any idea`s whereto get them please post as as R2 don't reply .
              u usually switch between places, or just stuck at a single place to grind for ages?

              place = one of the 7 places

              and u ranger or not?_?


              • #8
                grinding for grand marshal orders sucks they need to drop more often ive been grinding for about 5 months and for 2 levels i need 14 more of those orders i think thats messed up how some people get them fast and other people takes them forever i think they need to be more fare


                • #9
                  Hey hey hey, I'm permanent lvl 147 :P . I already gave up to get order. Wasted to much time just to get 3 more damn orders.. It's ridicilous, I have no time to get more irked because of this ****. Thanks R2.


                  • #10
                    agreed r2 need to release this "honor shop" or drastically increase drop rates, and maybe increase loot range on afk mode bcuz ranged toons (3 of 5 classes) are at great risk of not getting the orders that drop because theyre too far away. they should be like certain quest items that go str8 to ur inventory instead of dropping on the ground. my wife has been stuck at 149 for... too long to remember even tho she afk 18 hours per day and she only has 2/10 grand marshall orders. i honestly dont plan on even attempting to get those orders, ill stop at lvl 140 and still kick ***. unless r2 wants to do the right thing and not make it borderline impossible to lvl up.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by NotoriousInfamy View Post
                      agreed r2 need to release this "honor shop" or drastically increase drop rates, and maybe increase loot range on afk mode bcuz ranged toons (3 of 5 classes) are at great risk of not getting the orders that drop because theyre too far away. they should be like certain quest items that go str8 to ur inventory instead of dropping on the ground. my wife has been stuck at 149 for... too long to remember even tho she afk 18 hours per day and she only has 2/10 grand marshall orders. i honestly dont plan on even attempting to get those orders, ill stop at lvl 140 and still kick ***. unless r2 wants to do the right thing and not make it borderline impossible to lvl up.
                      High five ku ku. I'm stopping at 140 too since I'm getting 2 new skills #26 #05
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