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Coupons Exchanging to Roses

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  • Coupons Exchanging to Roses

    Please add roses in the coupon item shop because not all of us are casher to obtain the blessing or add many roses events that are easily gained

  • #2
    Please do this for the sake of non-casher player.. thanks much


    • #3
      +1 on this suggestion, as of right now this Goddess thing is for cashers-only.
      "do those daily video surveys for free crystals", yeh no those don't work everywhere, they're related to where you live so no possible way of obtaining crystals without getting spammails/virusses outside of the area those offers are possible (meaning usually everyone that is outside the timezone)
      Crystal Saga:
      IGN: speeds
      Server: Windshear Peaks
      Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
      Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
      Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

      Wartune (semi-inactive):
      IGN: Speeds16
      Server: Temple of Ibalize
      Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


      • #4
        Yes please do this suggestion for the sake of non-casher player..


        • #5
          This suggestion is nice. However, if implemented, it can be abused by alts because charm from roses can be converted back to crystal, so if someone can afk 10 alts everyday, he/she can actually get free cash shop items from those alts from exchanging coupons -> rose -> charm -> crystals.

          I suggest to give us an option to use coupons for upgrading blessings as well, not just crystals. This way R2 is not giving out their crystals for free to those who can camp tons of alts online 24/7, while non-cashers can still upgrade their blessings. If you want charm as non-casher, you can either sell your blessings for charm or support the thread where someone suggested charm to be given through dailies events like daily hunt.


          • #6
            Originally posted by R21892248 View Post
            . If you want charm as non-casher, you can either sell your blessings for charm or support the thread where someone suggested charm to be given through dailies events like daily hunt.
            Lol that was me. Good point on the alt and crystal abuse, though 10 charm for 1 crystal would still be a lil bit steep lol. Prolly be more rewarding via free crystal option....
            There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

            Crystal Saga
            IGN: Codawg
            Server: Celestial Haven
            Guild: BrimStone
            Class: Beastmaster
            Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
            Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
            Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


            • #7
              Free crystal does take into account your IP, so it's not as spammable as using alts for coupons (I tried xD)


              • #8
                Originally posted by R21892248 View Post
                Free crystal does take into account your IP, so it's not as spammable as using alts for coupons (I tried xD)
                Lol I don't really bother with crystals and my alts (though I'm working on leveling them all the time). Far as coupons go....I've got too many of them now. 5+days of afk time (love coupon exchange ^_^) and that's all I bought with em...sooooo yeah :/
                There will be no tomorrow should we fail to use the lessons of the past to survive today.

                Crystal Saga
                IGN: Codawg
                Server: Celestial Haven
                Guild: BrimStone
                Class: Beastmaster
                Random Stats: Weak. I'm weak, ok?
                Wife: PinkPretty (she's not nice )
                Level: Somewhere between noob and legend v-v


                • #9
                  I do have 5 alts with 5-7k coupons on each, so I'm sure gonna abuse them if rose is added to the coupon shop lol. That's why I prefer having blessings to require coupons in place of crystals as you won't be able to convert alts' coupons into cash shop items for your main.


                  • #10
                    or u could make the roses bound

                    Those Who Serve Justice , Have No Limits !!!!
                    Aoiarcher otherwise known as archerscomet ac or aoi on s14


                    • #11
                      You guys do know that ALL items that are bought with coupons are [bound] right? So alt abuse is already off the table from the start of this suggestion. Hence why this is actually a solid bulletproof suggestion.
                      Crystal Saga:
                      IGN: speeds
                      Server: Windshear Peaks
                      Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                      Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                      Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                      Wartune (semi-inactive):
                      IGN: Speeds16
                      Server: Temple of Ibalize
                      Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                      • #12
                        The problem is not with rose being bound or not, it is that rose gives charm, and you can convert charm into crystals through the Wishing Well, so people just need to afk their alts 24/7 to get free crystals, buy cash shop items and send to main

                        Edit: to speed the process up, I can also use the charm I get on alts to buy my main's blessings, thus tranfer the charm to main and stock up crystals even faster


                        • #13
                          hmm maybe have the rose if it was sold for coupons be double clicked for prestige only so you could not get charm from it but then you would be able to afk and easily get the 9999 requirement for title so idk how this would work.
                          IGN: Heiko
                          Guild: Athena (S6)
                          Server: Windshear Peaks (S6)
                          First Guild: Oblivion (S6)
                          Level: 92 Scion
                          Class: Knight



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by R21892248 View Post
                            The problem is not with rose being bound or not, it is that rose gives charm, and you can convert charm into crystals through the Wishing Well, so people just need to afk their alts 24/7 to get free crystals, buy cash shop items and send to main

                            Edit: to speed the process up, I can also use the charm I get on alts to buy my main's blessings, thus tranfer the charm to main and stock up crystals even faster
                            So you're saying that buy 1 rose with about I don't know howmany hours online, 10 charm = 1 crystal. Meaning even if you had say 10 alts, you'd get a max of 15 crystals a day (and that is with 15 coupons p/rose which is way underpriced but still example) if you don't dc and turn off for sleep. While free surveys are 20-120 crystals in 5min. I still don't see the exploit here? Except that you'd have to pay for a) a good computer and b) steady connection.
                            Crystal Saga:
                            IGN: speeds
                            Server: Windshear Peaks
                            Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                            Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                            Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                            Wartune (semi-inactive):
                            IGN: Speeds16
                            Server: Temple of Ibalize
                            Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                            • #15
                              Free crystals through survey doesn't work for me though, and every other free offer is 1-time offer except for vids. Also, the offers require you to actually do something in order to get the crystals, while you just need to be afk for coupons. Yes the amount of crystals you get everyday might be small, but it is free and doesn't require you to do anything except for leaving your toons online, so it is still kinda abusable, especially right after they implement this, people who have alts with coupons will pour all their coupons into roses for charm/crystals. Also, this implementation will encourage people to make tons of alts just to leave them online afk-ing, which takes up more server's bandwidth and cause more lag, is that what you really want?
                              I'm not against the idea of giving charm and ways to upgrade blessings to non-cashers because I'm also a non-casher myself. However there are better ways of doing this as I pointed out from my other post: an option to upgrade blessing using coupons instead of crystals, and a way to obtain charm through daily activities (so you just can't simply afk but have to work for the charms)

