I think Sperion Gems need a border color change. LIke you couldve cashed a LVL 9 or 10 Pure Spirit, then sold it to the vendor for 1c without it even asking you
are you sure. Lvl 1-2 could stay white, but LVL 3-4 would be green, LVL 5-6 would be blue, LVL 7-8 would be yellow, LVL 9 could be purple and LVL 10 orange.
Server(S29)The Molten Highlands
are you sure. Lvl 1-2 could stay white, but LVL 3-4 would be green, LVL 5-6 would be blue, LVL 7-8 would be yellow, LVL 9 could be purple and LVL 10 orange.

Server(S29)The Molten Highlands