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Free crystal a problem for my bro

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  • Free crystal a problem for my bro

    Now i recently (yesterday)began to use the free crystal feature and im so glad I did but....My brother also diescovered this and now it has become a bit more of a problem. We share an IP adress so in the words of memory lane :
    Pretty sure the site tracks you by the IP you logged in with so as to only reward you once.
    MY brother cannot redeem what i have redeemed and vis versa. I propose its once per account. Now i know this will be a problem with alts etc etc but there are people playing with the same IP adress and its not like everyone cant make an alt on a seprate account so its always has been fair (those that chose not to have one/dont want one is your choice) When i say account i mean once you have reddemed them you cant reclaim on ammother char on the same account. NOw a way to mak this fair for claimingis thatw it can only be redeemed once an account and twice an IP to prevent a mass of alt domination.

    Please please do this it would really help some players

    Thank you R2

    Leave your comments (please dont anyone dare say the word alt :P)
    Last edited by tajmahal62; 09-03-2012, 06:48 AM.
    Server: The Wilterlands

    My guides <---Mages/Easy pet leveling ---> Weekly events and promotions--->

  • #2
    Moderators could this be changed?
    Server: The Wilterlands

    My guides <---Mages/Easy pet leveling ---> Weekly events and promotions--->


    • #3
      I'm not a moderator but I can tell you right now what you're saying is not possible.

      Remember, the offers are given by the sponsors. The sponsors aren't R2, they're their own company and not only won't they care, they won't go for it. Because, if it's by account, people could just make a bunch of accounts to redo offers. It's too much of a risk for them. In addition, the websites themselves (the ones the offers are on), report back to the sponsors and so the offer itself might also have IP and other tracking.

      These offers are ads paid for by companies to target their products - not so people can earn rewards. If you're not interested in the product, you're not supposed to do the offer. That is actually cheating a company out of its advertising money. Of course, that doesn't stop many people on GPT sites (Get Paid to) and game websites from doing these offers regardless, so they have to implement something to ensure at least a decent % of the people doing the offers have a chance at being legitimately interested.

      He can either get an IP changer like Tor or try to stick to different offers than you are doing.
      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



      • #4
        Me and my brother are just gonna split it now still prefertwice an IP address though
        Server: The Wilterlands

        My guides <---Mages/Easy pet leveling ---> Weekly events and promotions--->

