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Event Suggestion

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  • Event Suggestion

    Okay so I thought, we need an epic event to make up for some of the recent failures *cough*
    The most valuable item on Crystal Saga is Soul Shard.

    How about we release some in a large supply, even on a regular basis. I don't know about you guys but I don't like the idea of waiting a week to upgrade a tiny, itty bitty fraction of my soul, and there are people with an even more developed soul than I.

    Since CS likes us to AFK, and I really can't be bothered thinking up a unique idea worthy of such an event. Why not have another AFK event. Allow elites to drop Soul Shards for a week, with a 100% drop rate on them.

    Always need more SS and can never get enough.

  • #2
    Eidolon 120
    Server=Void Encampment
    Class=Hybrid Priest


    • #3
      -1 Soul is meant to be difficult to get. While I would agree that it may b a bit too difficult to get i have 10 alts i can farm to 1k+ soul in a week with this if its implemented. Possibly putting a % chance to drop from bosses would be acceptable but from elites is idiotic. 10% chance from bosses would be nice tho for a week.


      • #4
        Well, we can think about it. No harm in the suggestion anyway.


        • #5
          Since you want it as a permanent addition..

          How about not making them 100% drop. Or more like a bound ticket that can be exchanged for 1 more attempt at the ranger elder.
          Maybe at a 5% chance to drop them. We would still need to have the amount of soul root crystals to synth them. That would force people to create tons of alts to get the required amount of src. And that makes new casher believe that they are playing on well populated servers, cashing up like mad :@


          • #6
            i can make 3000 soul completion with this. haha
            Eidolon 120
            Server=Void Encampment
            Class=Hybrid Priest


            • #7
              LOL at 100% drop rate.

              Even if it's just elites, that's a lot of SS to drop.

              Maybe if it was a 30% drop rate on (all) dungeon bosses.
              LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

              LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



              • #8
                Originally posted by Sc3n3 View Post
                -1 Soul is meant to be difficult to get. While I would agree that it may b a bit too difficult to get i have 10 alts i can farm to 1k+ soul in a week with this if its implemented. Possibly putting a % chance to drop from bosses would be acceptable but from elites is idiotic. 10% chance from bosses would be nice tho for a week.
                If you can afford the upgrades and required CE, I don't like the idea of bosses because then I have to be present to actually do it. VIPs have 48 dungeons a day to do. Gets very tedious and boring.

                Sebastian >.> This wouldn't be a perm thing, just a one week idea, but there should be more perm things to give out Soul Shards.
                Completion of DiV - 5 Soul Shards
                Successful Bath - 5 Soul Shards + All the SRC
                Successful Training Grounds - 5 Soul Shards

                But for now, AFK 1 week with SS drop would be nice =D


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
                  If you can afford the upgrades and required CE, I don't like the idea of bosses because then I have to be present to actually do it. VIPs have 48 dungeons a day to do. Gets very tedious and boring.
                  Not being hostile just discussing this topic -
                  Why should it be easy to gain? A bit easier I can understand thats why I suggested the dungeon bosses.


                  • #10
                    If you also think you can get 3k Soul Completion from something like this then you need to work on your soul more. There is no way in hell you would get 3k completion. Probably looking at about 150-300 SS in a full day of AFK. Average, this would come to 2.1k SS in a week..
                    1. Required CE and PC to use this? Possible, but expensive
                    2. Enough Soul Shards to reach 3k Soul Completion? Not even close.

                    Some positive things about releasing a mass amount of shards
                    1. More interesting PVP based events, such as Sengolia. (Everyone will have more power, or defense, but it will depend on that persons personal soul upgrades, not just "Oh he's higher level than me"
                    2. Everyone benefits and it's not abusable by alts. Sure you can AFK with alts but it won't be traded to your main.
                    3. More people can solo dungeons releasing more items on the market?
                    Make up your own reasons. This would have no negative outcome.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ElusionM View Post
                      If you also think you can get 3k Soul Completion from something like this then you need to work on your soul more. There is no way in hell you would get 3k completion. Probably looking at about 150-300 SS in a full day of AFK. Average, this would come to 2.1k SS in a week..
                      1. Required CE and PC to use this? Possible, but expensive
                      2. Enough Soul Shards to reach 3k Soul Completion? Not even close.

                      Some positive things about releasing a mass amount of shards
                      1. More interesting PVP based events, such as Sengolia. (Everyone will have more power, or defense, but it will depend on that persons personal soul upgrades, not just "Oh he's higher level than me"
                      2. Everyone benefits and it's not abusable by alts. Sure you can AFK with alts but it won't be traded to your main.
                      3. More people can solo dungeons releasing more items on the market?
                      Make up your own reasons. This would have no negative outcome.
                      Honestly I cant argue those points you're right.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RanggaAdi View Post
                        Stalkers OP.

                        Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "

