ok i like many other players in this game have found what i call a waist in time and space. what i would like to sugest is a way to unbind items like afk cards greater mount upgrade tokens ethearl wings heroic wings soul prints and earth soul orbs among others. r2 already has done this with socketing rods to where we can unbind those why not make it so for a small about of gold we can unbind most if not all bound items so that we can trade the items we do not need to our freinds to help them get stronger. ways this would work are simple we could have the option in our inventory like we do for the extend items thing or it can be added to the event master menue the second of witch would be best since the unbind socketing rod is already on the event master just change it to unbind item and then have a list of all items that can be unbound. please show your thoughts on this in the coments and lets hope r2 might listen to our voices. thank you for reading and thank you for your time.
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unbinding items
BrotherVT is right, if you think about it... especially with GMUT (Bound)... it wouldn't be fair.... I mean in S58 alone GMUTs sell for 45g.... So even if you pay like 5g to unbind it, Your still up 40g..... Its just pointless... All it will do is make certain people richer, and certain people poorer... I mean it is a good idea... For less expensive items... like Bound Gems, where you only get like 25s in S58 for level 1 gems... I'm sorry but, I don't support this.Game:Crystal Saga
Server:S58 Holorn Cliff
Level: 198-Eidolon
Class: Knight
Guild: (S6)Insidious
"Stay away from negative people. They have a problem for every solution"
-Albert Einstein
I wouldn't support unbinding all bound items either, but some of the more common ones I think would be a good thing. Pretty much all of the listed items minus GMUT and EW are kind of pointless to have bound, since they are just that common. The only ones who would really need them are alts, so being able to unbind them to trade to said alts (or even just noobs) would be a decent change.
i think as far as bound gems go, we should be able to swap them at event master for other bound gems for the 20s fee as many times as we wish because over time certain gems become useless to us... then on top of that we cant trade them? we cant give them to a pet? so what...? destroy them?
as far as items like hw and muts being bound... thats gotta be the stupidest idea ever... high level players give them out for free in bulk daily... sowhy have them bound? theres no way to disrupt the balance of anything with such insignificant items....
every time i destroy bound hw i just think about the poor little noob that coulda used them and i feel sad.
ok i lied i dont give a **** but it is a waste of items
I do agree with the gem exchange. You should be able to at least turn bound gems into coupons, but a straight exchange would be very nice.
Otherwise there is a reason that some things are bound. Think about this one: when there are events that give unbound items, like IoB gives unbound EW, and unbound Soul Prints, then the player base is complaining about how there is sooooo much alt abuse. And yet when things are bound, then the player base is complaining about the bound items. So R2 is then faced with a double edge sword. They get complaints either way.
Not to mention, the items that ARE bound are still farmable items, and they are generally items that sell for a higher crystal price in the cash shop. And God forbid if soul shards ever became unbound. The amount of soul shards that I have on my alts is ridiculous as it is. I could do some massive upgrades with unbound soul shards. LOL.
But I understand why there is bound items.
If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?