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We're on life support

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  • We're on life support

    I think that there needs to be a merge for the (E)1 S12,14,18,21,22,23,27 servers with S33,36,40,42,45,50,54.
    Although it may seem like both groups of servers are extremely active due to the fact that there are a big number of servers or however you guys keep track of logging activity of accounts and characters, it is, in fact, almost dead.
    The evidence to back it up? I play on S23. A lot of days in Hellstorm victors for 3rd place are given as soon as the event starts, meaning there are only 3 or even 2 people going there. Why? Because the server is dying.
    Another scenario, people entering the Sengolia Battlegrounds complain about how nobody is inside. Since the objective of the battleground is to fight people on the opposing team to defeat their crystal, this objective is void deeming this battleground utterly pointless because only one or 2 noob flies are in there. Not to mention, this is even worse when the team sorting system skews to 1 side of the team. Why? Because the servers are dying.
    I'm not quite sure how active the S33+ group are, however when I last visited no one spoke on world chat for the 2 hours I was on there. On the S23+ server, there are thousands of MALLMMO alts spamming more than anything, if R2 calls that activity, then I don't know what people are anymore.
    Since my server is dying I feel that there isn't enough competition. Although we are a PvE server, it is still nice to play against other players sometimes; and since competition available is limited I believe that merging would be a good idea. People may even be more motivated to work on their characters, or cash (which is what you would like them to do).
    Statistics aren't everything. What I'm saying is that I'm getting bored of playing against my own alts in PvP.

    please leave ur feedback and thoughts
    Last edited by pchan; 12-18-2013, 06:13 PM. Reason: forgot to add a few servers

  • #2
    i can't agree with this more...Literately the same 10 people in seng and im pretty sure most the older servers out there are also facing the same problem. The amount of servers merged together may be misleading as really only 50 people are active in S12+ others. I'm not sure about S33 but as senore PCHAN said here, WC was silent for 2 hours. A merge would be perfect in attempt to keep the 2 server groups alive, and might even give people a reason to farm/cash more especially with the broken new system implemented not too long ago. Allowing people to become overpowered with just a couple hundred bucks.

    Gonna say this again, merging the 2 server groups would be a step in the right direction
    Level: decently high
    BR: decently high


    • #3
      Can't agree with this more. Getting tired of having limited people in PvP grounds the same lot of people same stuff different day. Need to induce more competition between players for fun PvP and a merge is the perfect opportunity to do so.


      • #4
        Excellent post. The main reason behind wanting to merge for me is to be able to meet new friends. It's come to the point where I know everyone and seeing fresh faces would be pleasant.


        • #5
          we kabam server also want a merge pls its getting boring with no opponents :/


          • #6
            Would be awesome to meet some new people yeah
            Last edited by musicmaniaac; 12-17-2013, 03:13 PM.
            Character Name: (S21)Casanova
            Class: Priest
            Server: The Void
            Level: Eidolon 160
            Honour Rank: Emperor



            • #7
              i want this marge too...will get new friends


              • #8
                tired of the this stagnation dead chats and few actives. please bring on merger so i'm feel like buying crystal for a reason


                • #9
                  I agree on the comments above and the complaints :3
                  S40guntherkillu- Mage- Eidolon LEVEL 140
                  GUILD- Candyshop
                  HONOR- Emperor SOUL- 1177/3000


                  • #10
                    Strongly agree 0.o ... if you guys don't want to do it ppl will get really bored in the game and eventually quit.. so plss let there be merge ^^ D


                    • #11
                      instead of making new servers keep them players you already have happy and active. having a merge would boost the servers involved as well as the economy of the game. not sure how active s33-s50 are but s12-s27 are pretty alt based if i consider how many there are farming quiz,guild food, iob, avernals and anything that will give u stuff by participating.


                      • #12
                        This merge woud bring a lot of good stuff to our servers yup yup~
                        and not to mention getting kinda tired of being farmed by the same ppl and farming the same nublets
                        probs gonna just be restating everything everyone just said so basically r2 shoud merge and make a bunch of ppl happy


                        • #13
                          you should advertize those dieing servers somehow with special events only there. maybe draw new players to there instead of just making new servers only. if i spend hundreds of dollars on my toon i don't want to be on a dead server with no hope.


                          • #14
                            Merge server 63 with s61 and the rest please and ty
                            💎Crystal Saga💎
                            ☆Game Name: (s61)kanyo™
                            ☆Death Tank
                            ☆PvP King at your service
                            Upgrading a system and seeing the new *look* it gives is one of the best feelings huh? 😅

                            “You’re more important than my sword. …But just a little.”
                            — Angeal (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)


                            • #15
                              Lol kano you would probably like that, ive seen you talk about it on world chat.
                              Originally posted by iTz_SoN
                              I will murder everyone I see in GR regardless of level.
                              I treat all players equally - so they all die.

