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Pause / Resume Bath

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  • Pause / Resume Bath


    Okay basically everyone has those moments when bath is recked when some dc's. I say no more! The party leader should be able to pause bath because everyone needs the exp and well you wont get the full credit of some dc's.

    The blessing cup should also pause since there is no cheap cheat to it and so should the lightning to those people who don't have lightning rod title.


    Ofcourse afterward it should be able to resume when the person who dc's gets back making it a fair bath and who doesn't enjoy one. Hope this is worth it I myself just dc'd today in bath and got really angry and well felt bad for the other people who also went down because in bath its a group effort if 1 fails all fails .

  • #2
    +1 If that would be even possible


    • #3
      Wait what happens in the party leader gets dc? From what I understand, only the leader can pause and resume...
      Gone... for now,


      "He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious"
      -Sun Tzu


      • #4
        In case the leader gets DC, pt lead is automatically tranferred to someone else in the pt, so leader getting DCed isn't the problem here.

        +1 to this if it is really code-able


        • #5
          Yup like if your a party leader of a bath you can see that all your other party mates are in order from 2nd-5th of who entered the party and in that case whoever enters party 2nd will get party lead if ever leader dc's himself


          • #6
            +1 I Just love this idea because I had alot of failure in bath >.<
            Dumbmasses ;

            A term for the majority of people who willfully stay ignorant and follow the prevailing sentiment on a wide variety of issues. Those who can't think for themselves. A perfect compliment or synonym for Sheeple.
            >>> <<<


            • #7
              pause resume bath will be abused. people can do solo bath if that happens because of holy water cooldown.


              • #8
                Originally posted by alexasss View Post
                pause resume bath will be abused. people can do solo bath if that happens because of holy water cooldown.
                true!!! we would never know bugs could occur with the author's idea xD
                Server: Sullen Dunes (S47)
                IGN: SkitzO
                Class: Knight (hybrid, dps)
                Plane: Scion
                Level: ??
                Honor Rank: Arch Duke
                Guild: Hellbourne (Guild Master)


                • #9
                  So....Holy priest solo's, pauses it and recovers incase he's too lazy to use heals. Other members can heal up fully as well so the challenge behind bath = gone?
                  Crystal Saga:
                  IGN: speeds
                  Server: Windshear Peaks
                  Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                  Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                  Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                  Wartune (semi-inactive):
                  IGN: Speeds16
                  Server: Temple of Ibalize
                  Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                  • #10
                    It would only be fair if the grail wouldn't work when it's paused, otherwise it'll be abused.
                    IGN: Sigrun
                    Server: Windshear Peaks
                    [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Mage
                    [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Priest alt: Saeunn
                    Proud owner of an [Eidolon]lvl 120 husband, parallel parked outside

                    Wartune Temple of Ibalize
                    Mage lvl 38


                    • #11
                      It's really a nice idea. I'll refer your idea to the developers. Thank you.
                      Ok, I'm muted, so.... please use sign language.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by R2CS_Coco View Post
                        It's really a nice idea. I'll refer your idea to the developers. Thank you.
                        Same should be said for DCs during ladder ... or dungeons.


                        • #13
                          Thank you, and ladder already has that,just wait patiencly while the person re-logs and Dungeons only work if there is another person in a party in the same dungeon

