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Treasure Trove Invincibility after respawn

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  • Treasure Trove Invincibility after respawn

    Like how events such as Sengolia and Island of Blessings gives the character a certain period of invicibility after he/she dies and respawns, could r2 also implement this in treasure trove? It is a bit harsh when you die the moment you enter because someone is camping the entrance, or when you die and respawn in the same exact place, allowing the camper to immediately kill you with no time to even react.

  • #2
    i think the invincibility feature seen in other version, that is granted any time u enter a new map no matter where it is, should be implemented here. when i was lower level fighting for ds i would be killed while still on the loading screen. same deal in seng when i enter the team being spawn killed, dead on loading screen. and quite often theres little pvp battle going on in cragstone, right beside the portal, i end up being caught in the crossfire.


    • #3
      I can definitely see being killed while stuck on loading screens as an issue; brief immunity in PvP events sounds reasonable as it would give a more...fair feel to it. Although for regular maps in PvP servers, you risk getting nailed whenever you step out of town, so any immunity there would conflict with the nature of being on a PvP server. ;p


      • #4
        I think if they did do the immunity thing that the immune player should not beable to attack while under that period of immunity.
        💎Crystal Saga💎
        ☆Game Name: (s61)kanyo™
        ☆Death Tank
        ☆PvP King at your service
        Upgrading a system and seeing the new *look* it gives is one of the best feelings huh? 😅

        “You’re more important than my sword. …But just a little.”
        — Angeal (Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core)


        • #5
          once the player moves the immunity is gone. and having immunity when going from one map to another is nothing but fair considering how many ppl are stuck in loading around here and this is one of the most common problems in r2, even though they deny it all day long but almost every day a new thread about stuck on load.... and its not common on other platforms or versions, imagine that...
          Last edited by crooks88; 02-05-2014, 08:31 PM.

