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Merge with Lekool?

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  • Merge with Lekool?


    I was wondering whether there will ever be a possible merge between lekool and r2games of s1 and 2??

    I quit lekool a while ago because the server was just too dead, many many people have quit and waiting for a merge they would join here except for the fact they have spent a lot of time and money on their characters in lekool they don't want to start all over again...

    Except for the very few adamant people that disagree with merges that you always find in these situations... majority are waiting for one.

    Is there a way in which I can formally suggest this, or this can be looked into? It'd be a waste of all the hard work on lekool if people are just leaving the server behind because ultimately they are bored.


  • #2
    From what I've noticed, merges between sites usually happen when the other platform is shutting down. So unless Lekool is going out of business and closing its doors..


    • #3
      platform merges also happen when the company drops the title cs. when the game not generating enough cash for it to be profitable they stop paying forthe rights to publish the game and if they do a platform merge then those players shoudl be grateful that the other platform didnt just shut down the game and tell themsorry about your luck. the good thing is tho, most companies, unlike r2, actually truly care about the customers, their money and their time spent and will aim for aplatform merge for the sake of their customers.

      as far as requesting the merge, posting here was a good start, try suggesting it to lekool (im sure theyve already thought about it) and r2 via the ticket system. however i wouldnt get too excited about coming to r2, this place is very crooked and the customer service is so bad idk how they can get away with calling it customer service. and the servers here tend to mess up quite a bit. and r2 is known for aiding and abetting cyber criminals. but if thats fine with you then all the power to ya


      • #4
        this is good ! s1 and s2 merged because of this on lekool, so next step will be to here! woop !

        Originally posted by Lenwc View Post
        platform merges also happen when the company drops the title cs. when the game not generating enough cash for it to be profitable they stop paying forthe rights to publish the game and if they do a platform merge then those players shoudl be grateful that the other platform didnt just shut down the game and tell themsorry about your luck. the good thing is tho, most companies, unlike r2, actually truly care about the customers, their money and their time spent and will aim for aplatform merge for the sake of their customers.

        as far as requesting the merge, posting here was a good start, try suggesting it to lekool (im sure theyve already thought about it) and r2 via the ticket system. however i wouldnt get too excited about coming to r2, this place is very crooked and the customer service is so bad idk how they can get away with calling it customer service. and the servers here tend to mess up quite a bit. and r2 is known for aiding and abetting cyber criminals. but if thats fine with you then all the power to ya
        had to say, this was a lovely reply

        Bellas Chasm


        Necropolis & Amethyst Forest


        Dark Forest


