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Points Exchange

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  • Points Exchange

    *Revised on 2-21-13
    The idea to exchange excess items for other items in the game. **Rough Draft Idea


    Muts = 1 point
    HWs = 1 point
    Ice Shard = 1 point
    Brilliance Shard = 1 point
    Void, Heat, Light Shard = 1 point
    All Epic Shards = 1 point
    Bronze badge = 1 point
    Silver badge = 5 point
    Gold badge = 25 points
    Frageron Soul Essence = 2 points
    Bloodelar Soul Essence = 5 points
    Wraith Soul Essence = 1 point
    Rueful Soul Essence = 2 points
    Ancient Coins x5 = 1 point
    Greater Socketing Rods x5 = 1 point
    Magic Dust (all types) x10 = 1 point

    Exchange for:
    Ice,Brilliance.. Light Shard = 10 points
    Gmuts = 45 points + 3g
    Etheral Wings = 30 points +2g
    PUCs = 60 points +3g
    Bronze badge = 5 points
    Silver badge = 10 points
    Gold Badge = 50 points
    Soul Shard = 75 point + 1000 CE
    Small Treasure = 60 points
    Avernal pack I = 70 points
    Dragon Crystal = 40 points
    Soul Print = 50 points

    Limit 5/5 per day for all exchanges
    Last edited by sangofighter; 02-26-2013, 01:06 PM.

  • #2
    Good idea +1


    • #3
      I'm not gonna judge the numbers as that's up to the GMs to decide what's fair but I like the idea of a permanent item exchange that uses its own point currency.

      so +1
      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



      • #4
        Originally posted by (S14)Squintina View Post
        I'm not gonna judge the numbers as that's up to the GMs to decide what's fair but I like the idea of a permanent item exchange that uses its own point currency.

        so +1
        Yeah i know what you mean. These are just a rough numbers, cause a VIP player who grinds all the nm dungeons would get like 300 Hws & muts


        • #5
          This could actually be a good idea when implemented well
          IGN: Sigrun
          Server: Windshear Peaks
          [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Mage
          [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Priest alt: Saeunn
          Proud owner of an [Eidolon]lvl 120 husband, parallel parked outside

          Wartune Temple of Ibalize
          Mage lvl 38


          • #6
            First I thought that this would be a good idea, but then realized the amount of alt abusing this would cause...
            Last edited by venomeh; 09-14-2012, 05:28 PM.
            Stalkers OP.

            Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


            • #7
              Since a lot of people are unhappy with bound gmuts, lets revise a points exchange system.


              • #8
                I love this idea btw, it makes so many items useful once again. No more bronze badges x5,000 taking up all the slots but giving everyone who can't farm silvers in 1min sengolia's still a shot at getting those badges. (and the rest ofc too).
                Crystal Saga:
                IGN: speeds
                Server: Windshear Peaks
                Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                Wartune (semi-inactive):
                IGN: Speeds16
                Server: Temple of Ibalize
                Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                • #9
                  +1 sounds good, need to do something with the stack gold badges that I got now >.>

