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Two Island of Blessing suggestion

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  • Two Island of Blessing suggestion

    1) Umm... I realised that we have five Rain packs which is: White, Green, Blue, Yellow and Purple the missing thing is Orange! ;3
    Lets make a quest for IoB= Kill players or harvest rainstone for 10 times or more than that and then complete the Island of Blessing quest, the reward is Orange Rain Pack. You can get the quest from Battlemaster and complete is at the Battlemaster too.. (Don't make the loots boring urgh...)

    2) If you are dced (Disconnected) at Island of Blessing and you relog, you will still stay at the Island of Blessing. (You will not receive the rain pack if you miss the blessing rain countdown) and then auto afk loading mode: When you are loading on the Blessed Resource Zone you will be auto afk loading (Players cant kill you when you are loading) Sometimes someone kill a player when the player is loading and unable to revive ._. And the question now is: If you stay at the Island of Blessing when it was over the same like Treasure Trove, auto kicked.

    ps; For my suggestion questions I will try to answer ☌n☌ or maybe I cannot answer some, and also if my english sucks please don't care about it =.=. Thanks for reading this suggestion.
    When am I going to lvl up? Lol idk when. My question is, when are you going to stop asking the question?

    Character Name: Kitten
    Hobby: Trolling? HAHAHHAHAHAH.
    Server: (S22) Tyria Village
    Level: 37 (I IZ A NUB TROLLER)
    Plane: Scion
    Married with: (S12)CarneysPker

  • #2
    I support the safety zone chancing that if you DC during IOB, you remain inside the zone, rather than being kicked back to Starglade -- yes, it has been suggested and currently, no news/update about it coming around yet.

    The "auto afking loading" thing you're referring to would be called immunity, but I believe you already enter the resource zone invisible (until you move or until the invisible buff runs out? -- Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't experience loading issues nor do I hang around invisible long enough to know when it runs out), much like in Ladder, so that on its own acts as a medial grounds for loading. There is also already a kicker in place that triggers upon the event's end (automatically kicks shortly after receiving the last pack).


    • #3
      Originally posted by puppetbomber View Post
      I support the safety zone chancing that if you DC during IOB, you remain inside the zone, rather than being kicked back to Starglade -- yes, it has been suggested and currently, no news/update about it coming around yet.

      The "auto afking loading" thing you're referring to would be called immunity, but I believe you already enter the resource zone invisible (until you move or until the invisible buff runs out? -- Correct me if I'm wrong as I don't experience loading issues nor do I hang around invisible long enough to know when it runs out), much like in Ladder, so that on its own acts as a medial grounds for loading. There is also already a kicker in place that triggers upon the event's end (automatically kicks shortly after receiving the last pack).
      Thanks for the first comment! :3 What I mean at Auto Afk Loading is; If the person invisible runs out, it will be auto afking loading. So the one with auto afk they will be safe, can't be killed. Because last time I was on stuck loading and I was back like after 8 Mins (Or 10 I don't remember) and then when I was back I can't revive at all because of my buff was gone.. nothing appears at my screen.
      When am I going to lvl up? Lol idk when. My question is, when are you going to stop asking the question?

      Character Name: Kitten
      Hobby: Trolling? HAHAHHAHAHAH.
      Server: (S22) Tyria Village
      Level: 37 (I IZ A NUB TROLLER)
      Plane: Scion
      Married with: (S12)CarneysPker

