After Eidolon was released, most of the other classes received invincibility skills that increased in time of invincibility as the skill was upgraded, like the Knights's Angelic Blessing, the Ranger's Daimon Shield, and the Mage's Ice skill thingy. However, the rogue's skill remains at 1 sec of invincibility even after upgrading, and i think this ought to be changed like the others, with an extra .5 sec after each upgrade to make it fair. It already has a long cooldown, and this would make it more on par with the other eidolon classes
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Rogue Eidolon SKill Invincibility
Originally posted by bobo2 View PostAfter Eidolon was released, most of the other classes received invincibility skills that increased in time of invincibility as the skill was upgraded, like the Knights's Angelic Blessing, the Ranger's Daimon Shield, and the Mage's Ice skill thingy. However, the rogue's skill remains at 1 sec of invincibility even after upgrading, and i think this ought to be changed like the others, with an extra .5 sec after each upgrade to make it fair. It already has a long cooldown, and this would make it more on par with the other eidolon classesLast edited by venomeh; 09-15-2012, 01:38 PM.Stalkers OP.
Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs"
The rogue eidolon skills aren't that good tbh. Should be changed.
1 sec invul is just enough for what? Changing instance? :/I hardly manage to go stealth again in that 1 sec.
The devoid skill isn't that good either. Never managed to trigger it, maybe when maxed. Can't bother too much with using the eidolon skills.
Devoid is useless until maxed and even then, only useable at 30% or less HP with a 1/5 chance to trigger it as soon as lvl 120 is released. Unless you are a really tanky rogue, you will probably die in the next hit.
And Invincibility isnt that much better. 1 second of invul with a tiny patk increase doesn't help at all.
The big winners of eidolon are for sure knights, mages and rangers.
At least you get reduced cooldown as you lvl that skill up, unlike knight and mage have fixed skill cooldown. The skill has like 35s cooldown when maxed, 30% patk increase for 10s and allows you to restealth without standing in melee range like shadow strike. Plus as venomeh said, priest has the worst eidolon skills of all classes. So no, your reason of "other classes received invincibility skills that increased in time of invincibility" is invalid, -1 for this suggestion.
Mage's invincibility has its own limitation too, as the mage is also rooted for that 10s, but it still helps with waiting for meteor/blink to cooldown, or wait for your allies to come. The big winners should be more for knight and ranger only. 7.5s invul every 30s with insignificant patk reduction, or 2s invul every 7s with status immunity effect. Those skills technically have no downside to using them, seriously?
Rogue also has no downside to using eidolon invul skill, just that the duration is shorter than the other 3 classes. But at least you HAVE invul, and it can be used in conjunction of your other skills perfectly. Priest's eidolon skills, however you argue, doesn't change the fact that they can't be used together with any other skills at all. And because of that, 90% of the time they are useless.
Btw how come you can't restealth after using the skill sebastian? I could restealth on my hubby's rogue after using the skill just fine o.o
Well that 1 sec isn't always enough time for me due to my given lag :P
Knights however should be able to just whrack down ladder, going 7.5sec invul, triggering frost, even using firelord and then run in circles until the skill is usable again. Same in PvP. Try to kill a well build knight, now with the invul even worse, can easily get hp back up to 100%.
Don't need to care much about the patk reduction. I think knights will be the most trouble and things aren't balanced anymore (well, even more imbalanced). Even shadow rogue can't stun knights anymore when they use the "hit 10 random targets" skill. It pulls them out of stealth. And not like priests curses, mages aoe/passive, and rangers traps can't kick people out of stealth. Im going combat rogue at level 80 again, still i don't feel that rogues benefit much from eidolon.
Guess the knights eidolon skill is the reason why we rogues got that instant kill chance, still not a good skill. Compare it to enchanting with 20% chance to succeed (given lvl 6 skill - needs lvl 120 to be released). Req. you own HP to be 30% or below while a knight might just be able to crit you for that much HP. Might never be able to succeed xD While knights can't fail their skills.
Wish i was a knight :| Pretty imbalanced now. Rangers invul is pretty close to that.Last edited by sebastian1988; 09-15-2012, 04:02 PM.
Running in circle doesn't really work on ranged mobs though xD And a high CL floor boss can still kill the knight before invul cooled down.
I understand what you meant about killing a well built knight lol, I could never, NEVER beat a friend of mine in Seng no matter what I try (actually I don't have much to try, only GE, kiting with curses and spam light beam). And that's without them having invul >.< Honestly 10% patk reduction is nothing when you can get such a long invul time because it only counts off base stats. Heck I would trade 10% matk for 7.5s invul every 30s anyday.
But still in the end you still can have access to an invul skill that gives you the ability to stun for the 3rd time. Knights DO have 6s vulnerable to stun because Fight On has 16s cooldown and only 10s duration so it is not like you totally can't kill them. I think if there is something you have to fear, then it's not knight's Fight On stopping you from stunning them, but it's more about ranger's daimon shield dispelling them from stun. And given 5s interval between 2 daimon shield (max lvl has 7s trigger interval, 2s duration) plus forgiveness soul, do you think you can keep the stun on them for more than 2s half of the time?
Also my point above about we priests can't synchronize our eidolon skills with existing skills still stand. Knights can do anything while under invul, rogues can combine the eidolon shadow skill with stealth and stun, rangers can just pop a barskin in the middle of 2 daimon shields and they still can kill while daimon shield is activated, mages can either have 1 more aoe DPS skill (fire) or buy time to wait for cooldown/allies while regenerating hp (ice). Only priests can't do anything: using eidolon heal means you are a sitting duck, and eidolon blood totally blocks all kinds of attack into or out of that AoE, you can't even place curses in it (and it's not like curses have good DPS anyway). That's why in all my suggestions I have been trying to ask for mainly 2 things: change eidolon heal in someway so it can be used as a combination with other skills, and at least let us attack people trapped in eidolon blood's aoe.
I wish I had a better knight now too =( He is only lvl 92 scion, 603 soul, no DK/BA. I focused too much on priest T_T