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Im Very Sorry Cs Even R2

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  • Im Very Sorry Cs Even R2

    Im Sorry Ill Stop Begging Anymore But I Only Want My Own Event The Free Baby Angel And FL Eggs Plsssss........
    Sincerly TRiShA
    Only Want To Become Like A sTRONG oNE
    Name: (S5)TRiShA
    Server:Twilight Caverns
    Pet:Boxing Bear

  • #2
    Are you still here?!
    Stalkers OP.

    Best (ex) R2 employee quote: "Be kind to your fellow players ~ you never know when they are alt GMs "


    • #3
      You want to become strong? Level, go dungeoning for gold, then use that gold to buy eggs from players.

      Strength takes work. How can you be ok with being "strong" without doing any work for it? >.> Instead of begging, you should be playing and learning how to become strong the normal way.
      LVL 140 eidolon hybrid holy-focus priest

      LVL 55 eidolon ice mage



      • #4
        in this game all you need is hardwork... that's all I can say


        • #5
          i agree with Squintina
          Alexandriaa S41 lvl 70 Mage 1,223,430 Br (Vip5)

          LexÃ*Ã* S42 lvl 70 Hunter 1,299,090 Br (Vip7)


          • #6
            Originally posted by [MoD]TRiShA View Post
            Im Sorry Ill Stop Begging Anymore But I Only Want My Own Event The Free Baby Angel And FL Eggs Plsssss........
            Sincerly TRiShA
            Only Want To Become Like A sTRONG oNE
            Those 2 bolded parts are conflicting...

            I can't believe that you aren't only begging in-game but even making multiple threads to beg from the GM on the forum too, shame on you...

            The only ways to become strong are either you work a lot harder, or spend a lot of cash, or a mix of both. Begging like this won't bring you anywhere. No one has ever become strong from begging, learn to be more independent and earn those items you want by yourself.

            Both angel eggs and FL eggs can be obtained in-game through dragon hunt and survival. So with patience and luck you should should be able to hatch them in the future. Again, learn to be patient and work harder. Online games have never meant to be an easy game that you can max out everything in a few days. All online games require luck and hard work to reach the point where you can be considered "strong". That point can require up to 1-2 years of playing, or even more. That's how online games keep the players playing and earn profit. If everyone can have equal strength without having to work hard nor spending, then people will soon get bored for sure. That will also leads to people not wanting to spend. Why spend to take shortcut while others can catch up with you in a few days? R2 will lose revenue if that happen and CS will be closed down. If you aren't patient enough to work hard for such a long time and you can't endure being weaker than others, then sorry to say that online games aren't for you.

            Or if you really want the eggs as an event, plan the event carefully like how it should be designed, how would a person be eligible for the reward, etc. before you put them here. A good suggestion with new and well-planned idea will be considered by GMs, while begging threads like this only annoys people. However do keep in mind that FL was never meant to be a common pet, it is meant to be rare, so you will need a really hard event with minimal reward. Having an event that can guarantee everyone at least 1 FL is just a no. As I said, certain items like FL needs to be kept rare so people will keep spending.
            Last edited by R21892248; 09-16-2012, 02:07 AM.

