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Losing dungeon runs due to weak internet connection.

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  • Losing dungeon runs due to weak internet connection.

    Ok, so my internet connection is really really weak and disconnects all the time. But, there's nothing i can really do about it because it isn't really mine, I'm currently living with a host family. But even back at my own house I had a decent internet connection but I got disconnected sometimes(or often) when playing crystal saga. I get dc'd most when in dungeons or in the crystal ladder. Even with the 2X dungeon event, I'm lucky to get to the last boss maybe 3 times without disconnecting. We should be able to come back to the dungeon without losing a run if we disconnect.

  • #2
    Guessing the reason that it does that is because when you dc, it passes the leader to another member. However, since you're the only one doing dungeons, it has no one to pass the leader to when you dc. It's a good idea, but in the mean time you can try this:

    If you have a friend that has a pretty good connection, ask them if they have an alt you can party with(preferably an alt that's a lower level than you so it doesn't skew the drop rate too much as pc are concern.). If so, you can party with them and even if you dc, you can still do the dungeon since their alt will hold the party. Just put free for all so you're not rolling for every single thing; nor want to dc when you have to roll.

    That's the only option I know of to tell you the truth. Ladder it's a bit tricky but if you go with friends, have someone be the last person to go, have someone else to tell them that you cleared the level(or you can tell em). it's a bit tedious but cooperation goes a long way. [Probably only wanted help on dungeons but since you mention ladder, I wanted to throw this in]

    Hope it helps regardless.
    Last edited by reinviting; 06-08-2014, 10:34 PM.


    • #3
      Not entirely true, what reinviting said. Every time you enter a dungeon, the game creates a map of the dungeons specifically for the party you're in. When you disconnect, the game detects that your party has left the map and gets rid of it. So when you log back in, you're essentially on a map that doesn't exist anymore, which is the cause of the getting kicked out. Same thing applies to each floor of ladder, every time your party goes up, game creates a map of the next floor, and once everyone is up, gets rid of the previous floor's map. Reinviting's method will work though, if you have a friend with an alt that's willing to party with you and go into the dungeon with you. Otherwise... all you can do is get stronger so that you can finish the dungeon before you disconnect.
      Character: (S5)Meiya
      Server: Twilight Caverns
      No no I'm not gonna list my pets, mounts, souls or any other stuffs on here ;x


      • #4
        I understand that it's because of the party. But what if they made an option for solo parties? Maybe when making a party, there could be a solo party option that keeps your party tethered to the dungeon or ladder map even when disconnected. So the party still exists and the map still exists. Then when reconnecting we land right back where we were. The only ways to get out would be through NPC or town portal scrolls. Does this make any sense? It makes sense to me, it might be some work to get it running like this, but it'd help a lot. Asking someone to have their alt party with me makes sense but isn't practical or realistic, I'm in a very different time zone from most players and I'm almost always the only one online in my guild whenever I play.


        • #5
          The idea has been suggested more times than one would think of and now everyone has stopped suggesting. If they did listen people would not be furious when they dc from iob cos of the lag it creates sometimes. I have been kicked out of ladder (with an login failed message ) , dungeons , iob even with green connection markers. So although the idea is technically sound dont think r2 can do anything about it unless the source code they get has that correction.
          IGN : zq_DeathStab
          Server : S33
          What goes around comes around real hard

