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My suggestion #2

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  • My suggestion #2


    2nd is TRY IT NOW

    *This is not a reward suggestion
    *This is a Promotion Style


    1: Put an NPC named : Stylish Queen of Vidalia <----- or R2 can give out the Queen's name <--- the wife of King Valkroy
    - when talking to the Queen they will be teleported to the place on 2:

    2: Make a Special Room Like Training Grounds but the venue must not be a dungeun, it must be the inside of a well decorated HOUSE <---- to have more fashion looking

    3: Inside the place will have 3 NPC namely as follows
    - Mount Master Viky
    - Wing Forger Vidal
    - Costume Designer "here is name of your choice R2 hehe really dont know what to name here"

    4: Mount Master - talk to try one and every Mount Vidalia can offer

    5: Wing Forger - talk to try all kind of wings from glowing I to latest wing update

    6: Costume Designer - talk to try all costume available in the ITEM SHOP

    * this is basically trying to suit up all the items for those people wanting to have those items yet they cant have it ATM, and this will also motivate future cash player. <---- testing the items only

    note: all the items will disappear when leaving the Special Room



    #3 soon

    Server: (S7)Cragstone

    IGN: (S7)Long4
    Guild: (S7)Neutrals

  • #2
    this special room would be queen valcroy secretonia with scenery of starglade central
    They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
    But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


    • #3
      That's a good idea.
      ING: Erra
      Server: s1
      Class: archer,knight
      Guild: indo,Lv60+

