merge all pvp east servers?
Asking it once again, is that ever gonna happen? 2 half dead pvp server groups asking to have fun and get new challenges. Cant be that hard, right? Reason im not posting this into old merge thread is that it will just get ignored there
Yes, these are old servers with alot toons and its alot work to put them all together but still that would give reason for many to keep upgrading their characters and keep playing.
Thats all we want, ty
Asking it once again, is that ever gonna happen? 2 half dead pvp server groups asking to have fun and get new challenges. Cant be that hard, right? Reason im not posting this into old merge thread is that it will just get ignored there

Yes, these are old servers with alot toons and its alot work to put them all together but still that would give reason for many to keep upgrading their characters and keep playing.
Thats all we want, ty
