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About Bugged Monsters - Seriously

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  • About Bugged Monsters - Seriously

    Why the heck havent you input code to run a check on the servers for monsters that haven't changed location for xx seconds or minutes?

    Seriously Ive wasted 100+ hours of my afk time trying to kill these stupid *** things and I know you say to report them if found but if you're afking while you're asleep you're losing 8 hours if it happens in the beginning.

    Just doesn't make sense to treat the symptoms instead of the actual damn problem.

    Or another solution:

    Change AFK mode to switch targets or ignore targets that you cannot attack, since theres obviously an alert being pinged in order to push that **** onto my screen.
    Last edited by Sc3n3; 10-01-2012, 04:04 AM.

  • #2
    There has to be something that can be done, had a party grind going on with 4 characters for overnight afk grind, only to find 3 stuck on two different mobs on the same map this morning. It happens more and more and it's just disappointment after disappointment lately.
    IGN: Sigrun
    Server: Windshear Peaks
    [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Mage
    [Eidolon]lvl 120 Hybrid Priest alt: Saeunn
    Proud owner of an [Eidolon]lvl 120 husband, parallel parked outside

    Wartune Temple of Ibalize
    Mage lvl 38


    • #3
      I've seen many threads but you got some nice suggestions there. As part of the mentioned party above, it HAS happened in the beginning of an overnight grind, waste of time.
      Only good thing is the VIP changed to 4 coupons p/hr to get more afk-hours overall, but that requires you still to be VIP and still loosing a day when you're battling for the first one to be lv100 (that event closed now but you get the point).

      Both your suggestions would work flawlessly if they are possible to make; first suggestion would be the best, second one would be temporarily for say just a night, then you can start reporting the mobs in the morning when you're awake again or risk the entire area being filled with stuck mobs.
      Crystal Saga:
      IGN: speeds
      Server: Windshear Peaks
      Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
      Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
      Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

      Wartune (semi-inactive):
      IGN: Speeds16
      Server: Temple of Ibalize
      Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


      • #4
        Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
        I've seen many threads but you got some nice suggestions there. As part of the mentioned party above, it HAS happened in the beginning of an overnight grind, waste of time.
        Only good thing is the VIP changed to 4 coupons p/hr to get more afk-hours overall, but that requires you still to be VIP and still loosing a day when you're battling for the first one to be lv100 (that event closed now but you get the point).

        Both your suggestions would work flawlessly if they are possible to make; first suggestion would be the best, second one would be temporarily for say just a night, then you can start reporting the mobs in the morning when you're awake again or risk the entire area being filled with stuck mobs.
        Both r very possible, the only problem would be the lag when the scan was occurring.


        • #5
          i used to run through my server to find as many mobs glitched as possible to fix.because same would happen to me. what i usually do now is just make sure my area is clear then also remove any knockback skills, kicking monsters into corners or objects seems to be the deal for most of it. watched a few ppl w mage alts do it a bunch in certain maps because the shape of the area +timing of skill. which would be conceivable IRL if you push something into a corner big enough for them to semi wedge in i guess too XD .
          the script you ask for sounds like a anti virus scan. an because the mobs can get instantly restuck after they are reset because of skills being used. kinda no help+would lag a lot.
          tip for now would be to scope your area- if its a aggro one all you should have to do is walk by the mobs to see if they are stuck or not- if stuck write it down-if not go full speed afk
          afk tip-remove knockback skills


          • #6
            My suggestion to end this problem is as follow:

            Put a lifespan so to speak on every mob in the game. For example, a mob would have a lifespan of 5 minutes when it spawns. If not killed in those 5 minutes, it self detructs and respawns in its original location.

            The problem with removing the knockback skills is pets. Many pets have knockback and drag skills that would contribute to this problem as well. I don't feel that removing a character's skills is much of a solution at all.

            Help keep our forums clean!


            • #7
              Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
              i used to run through my server to find as many mobs glitched as possible to fix.because same would happen to me. what i usually do now is just make sure my area is clear then also remove any knockback skills, kicking monsters into corners or objects seems to be the deal for most of it. watched a few ppl w mage alts do it a bunch in certain maps because the shape of the area +timing of skill. which would be conceivable IRL if you push something into a corner big enough for them to semi wedge in i guess too XD .
              the script you ask for sounds like a anti virus scan. an because the mobs can get instantly restuck after they are reset because of skills being used. kinda no help+would lag a lot.
              tip for now would be to scope your area- if its a aggro one all you should have to do is walk by the mobs to see if they are stuck or not- if stuck write it down-if not go full speed afk
              afk tip-remove knockback skills

              Just so you know im not picking on you but I truly dont respect your opinion on most things Shadow sorry but i've read through some of the threads you've posted in and your replies to people in threads that I have been active in as well. Just a FYI I'm a priest thus no knockback skills and I am going without a pet but when I have pets active I dont have any knockback skills in their armory. And yeah you're right the scan would possibly allow the monsters to respawn in the same position and if the monsters continuously respawn in the same bugged spot then you know you have a problem area and you can move the spawn point.

              PS: I realize you deal with newbies every day who don't know what to do when they're afking, but I dont afk when I find monsters that are stuck and I usually do a 3-4 screen check around the spot ill be afking in.

              to hoss:
              That's actually a very good idea minus the boss spawns though but that should be obvious.
              Last edited by Sc3n3; 10-01-2012, 02:33 PM. Reason: Replied to hoss


              • #8
                Knockback might be a cause for creating bugged mobs more often, but not likely the main cause of it: mostly the respawn-square of the mobs I guess stretches out to a tile outside the map (don't know if it's like that but just my guesses):
                Kill a mob, mob respawns within that square at random cords, random cords eventually end up being an unreachable tile, mob bugged: afk stuck on mob.

                To solve it either give mobs a single fixed respawn-point, and also create definate walls of reachable/unreachable and those unreachable have no chance of spawning a mob.
                As of now I've even died in ladder once and I was out of reach (lv43 around the pillar) so I lost the biggest part of exp there due to this bug. Killer's Den last boss got stuck as soon as I knocked it back (yeh ok here's the 'squeeze him in the wall!'-theory :P). No use reporting those happenings since the mob removal can take hours and doesn't even guarantee you don't just get kicked out of ladder/still get the boss back.

                As for Hoss, not so much "expire", just resetted back as if you were out of range but in new cords so it doesn't resets back to bugged cords.
                Crystal Saga:
                IGN: speeds
                Server: Windshear Peaks
                Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                Wartune (semi-inactive):
                IGN: Speeds16
                Server: Temple of Ibalize
                Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Sc3n3 View Post
                  Just so you know im not picking on you but I truly dont respect your opinion on most things Shadow sorry but i've read through some of the threads you've posted in and your replies to people in threads that I have been active in as well. Just a FYI I'm a priest thus no knockback skills and I am going without a pet but when I have pets active I dont have any knockback skills in their armory. And yeah you're right the scan would possibly allow the monsters to respawn in the same position and if the monsters continuously respawn in the same bugged spot then you know you have a problem area and you can move the spawn point.

                  PS: I realize you deal with newbies every day who don't know what to do when they're afking, but I dont afk when I find monsters that are stuck and I usually do a 3-4 screen check around the spot ill be afking in.

                  to hoss:
                  That's actually a very good idea minus the boss spawns though but that should be obvious.
                  Originally posted by speeds16 View Post
                  Knockback might be a cause for creating bugged mobs more often, but not likely the main cause of it: mostly the respawn-square of the mobs I guess stretches out to a tile outside the map (don't know if it's like that but just my guesses):
                  Kill a mob, mob respawns within that square at random cords, random cords eventually end up being an unreachable tile, mob bugged: afk stuck on mob.

                  To solve it either give mobs a single fixed respawn-point, and also create definate walls of reachable/unreachable and those unreachable have no chance of spawning a mob.
                  As of now I've even died in ladder once and I was out of reach (lv43 around the pillar) so I lost the biggest part of exp there due to this bug. Killer's Den last boss got stuck as soon as I knocked it back (yeh ok here's the 'squeeze him in the wall!'-theory :P). No use reporting those happenings since the mob removal can take hours and doesn't even guarantee you don't just get kicked out of ladder/still get the boss back.

                  As for Hoss, not so much "expire", just resetted back as if you were out of range but in new cords so it doesn't resets back to bugged cords.
                  Originally posted by ShadowGammaDraco View Post
                  i used to run through my server to find as many mobs glitched as possible to fix.because same would happen to me. what i usually do now is just make sure my area is clear then also remove any knockback skills, kicking monsters into corners or objects seems to be the deal for most of it. watched a few ppl w mage alts do it a bunch in certain maps because the shape of the area +timing of skill. which would be conceivable IRL if you push something into a corner big enough for them to semi wedge in i guess too XD .
                  the script you ask for sounds like a anti virus scan. an because the mobs can get instantly restuck after they are reset because of skills being used. kinda no help+would lag a lot.
                  tip for now would be to scope your area- if its a aggro one all you should have to do is walk by the mobs to see if they are stuck or not- if stuck write it down-if not go full speed afk
                  afk tip-remove knockback skills
                  notice i said that the shapes of maps can cause it. ^_^ an that mages an ppl w knockback contribute. which means super angels an some BA or other pets with drag an knockback. never said it was only reason they happen. an ppl run through there for bosses an quests. which means if their pet isn't on follow when they run passed you an something hits them or they atk something theit pet+skills will come into the equation as well. an like speeds says sometimes they wander there themselves. just pointing out tips that would help. if you can't comprehend that then i can just go about not talking w you on forum. it w/e to me if you wanna be a hater -surprising that's how you treat ppl tryin to help though

                  mobs "can we come out now?"
                  mobs"hides in corner"
                  Last edited by ShadowGammaDraco; 10-02-2012, 04:01 PM.

