i'm not to sure if this has allready been posted or not, but here goes.
i think there should be a new column added to the guild page " Total Contribution "
in other words say a new player joins your guild, and they have gained 30+ contribution whilst you've been offline, then they have spent it. there contribution will be at 0,
so may risk being kicked. i think if you had a total column next to contribution you can always see what they're at even if spent.
Online/Gender/Level/Name/Title/Posistion/Contribution/Total Contribution
Yes / Male / 1 / xxxx / xxx / Leader / 1 / 64
i don't know if it's possible or if anyone else thinks it's needed.
jsut and idea
i'm not to sure if this has allready been posted or not, but here goes.
i think there should be a new column added to the guild page " Total Contribution "
in other words say a new player joins your guild, and they have gained 30+ contribution whilst you've been offline, then they have spent it. there contribution will be at 0,
so may risk being kicked. i think if you had a total column next to contribution you can always see what they're at even if spent.
Online/Gender/Level/Name/Title/Posistion/Contribution/Total Contribution
Yes / Male / 1 / xxxx / xxx / Leader / 1 / 64
i don't know if it's possible or if anyone else thinks it's needed.
jsut and idea
