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Cool Mounts

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  • Cool Mounts

    Good day,

    It is very cool that we have individual mounts for each class to look much better. This might add up to a more memory in the game but it is a good and nice idea I think.I actually asked the people in the Void server about these and they find it very interesting, they even help me think what mount is suit for each class.

    Knight - this noble character always like horse, going back on the Middle ages and Medieval Period. A white horse or any color would be very nice with good looking armors. Unicorn also looks very cute.
    Priest- a servant in the church during the early civilization of Europe. White Pigeons with nice armor is good for Priest.
    Rouge- It is known for its quickness on hunting. Rouge is best for a Leopard mount.
    Ranger- The hunter in the forest. I think a butterfly mount for this character is very nice.
    Mage- Spell caster and magic wizards. The carpet and broomsticks is good for them but many people in the server don't like these mounts. They argue with me on these. Well, they said Dragon is nice for mage.

    Im sorry,Im not that good in English.

    Well,since we already have mounts in the game. I suggest this mounts will be available for Eidolon only. People can still choose those mounts in the game like Gryphon,White tiger,Seiryu and Phoenix. We may need to add some mini mounts to upgrade some of these individual mounts.
    Lets say:
    Battle Horse+White tiger+Horn of the Ages 5X(can be obtain by chances in the new dungeon) = Unicorn or White Horse
    Hellwing + Fire Scroll + 25 Therion = Fire Dragon

    Looks funny.
    Its just a suggestion.
    Im bored

    There are 3D browser games,no impossible for Crystal Saga to put more graphics for these.
    "80s music, the greatest era of being in love."
    Character Name: Margareta
    Baby Spice from Spice Girls

    " I'm a girl who loves pink, I'm the pinkest in the server."
    :oFavorite Song:

    Server: The Void
    Level 82 Eidolon Protection Knight
    Genbu Rider

    Helpful Threads:

  • #2 it..


    • #3
      good....i like white tiger.....


      • #4
        Margie thats a good idea but there should be Mount for boys and Mount for girls character all im interested is a pink mount thats all thank you...

        #Buon giorno a tutti .... Diffondere l'amore e kawaii al server Void

        Rank:Grand Duke
        Born: March 30, 2012
        Class: Priest
        Birthday: July 6,1992
        Level SCION 58
        Server: The Void
        Motto: I love all that are PINK dress,mount,weapon,armors,wings,pet


        • #5
          Personally I dont like the butterfly for ranger >.>

          A more improved mount e? but the features are not so great. you alredy got a hellwing/phoenix and want to turn it into a white horse and a butterfly? lol. nuffsedd. peace


          • #6
            but the idea is great tho. only the mount features should be awesome. thanks for the post.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post

              Knight - this noble character always like horse, going back on the Middle ages and Medieval Period. A white horse or any color would be very nice with good looking armors. Unicorn also looks very cute
              hitomis battle horse is an any color horse, with a good looking armors and a horn on her head, so it is a unicorn anyway

              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post

              Priest- a servant in the church during the early civilization of Europe. White Pigeons with nice armor is good for Priest
              i cant even imagine it

              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post

              Rouge- It is known for its quickness on hunting. Rouge is best for a Leopard mount
              black panther is a leopard, rite? well some called it kitten

              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post

              Ranger- The hunter in the forest. I think a butterfly mount for this character is very nice
              flutterby is really beautiful yet it is a fragile being, so wouldnt it make rangers look weak?

              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post

              Mage- Spell caster and magic wizards. The carpet and broomsticks is good for them but many people in the server don't like these mounts. They argue with me on these. Well, they said Dragon is nice for mage
              carpet isnt for mages, its for prince alladin ,,,and broomsticks hurt, harry said so ,,,and hellwing is a dragon already, rite?

              Originally posted by DuncieRoll View Post

              Margie thats a good idea but there should be Mount for boys and Mount for girls character all im interested is a pink mount thats all thank you
              yea,, a pink horse with dots just like gan falls mount, pierre would be nice

              " I'm a girl who loves pink, I'm the most pinky in the server." --> you love pink yet you names green
              Last edited by elsage; 06-16-2012, 04:29 AM. Reason: completingz
              They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
              But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...


              • #8
                why do we getz the butterfly ¬.¬ But agreeing with DonMiguel, I finally have a hellwing/badass dragon, I don't want to trade it in for something like a butterfly or white pigeons (altho the priest is still on a bear).
                Crystal Saga:
                IGN: speeds
                Server: Windshear Peaks
                Lv 120 [Eidolon] Nature Ranger - Emperor
                Proud owner of the Lv 120 [Eidolon] Holy priest alt, double-parked outside
                Officially the #1 Nature Ranger of Windshear Peaks & six merged servers

                Wartune (semi-inactive):
                IGN: Speeds16
                Server: Temple of Ibalize
                Lv45 Archer - Guild Luminaire


                • #9
                  Butterfly mount? O.O;
                  How come everybody else get cool mounts, even a pigeon with armor sounds kinda cool...

                  But a butterfly? D':

                  ...but actually does something like stalk every word you post

                  This moderator is unreliable, I'm serious


                  • #10
                    I love nature,I am a member of a forest conservation organization in our school. That's why I put green. Daryl is the name of my boyfriend.
                    "80s music, the greatest era of being in love."
                    Character Name: Margareta
                    Baby Spice from Spice Girls

                    " I'm a girl who loves pink, I'm the pinkest in the server."
                    :oFavorite Song:

                    Server: The Void
                    Level 82 Eidolon Protection Knight
                    Genbu Rider

                    Helpful Threads:


                    • #11
                      wow nice for knight mount
                      Be friendly to other players:D:D:D:D
                      server: bearpaw valley
                      ign: (s26)wawa
                      level: 46
                      "If you need help just whisper me I'll be there"

                      rogue=if you attacked I'm sure that your damage will be one
                      mage=I hate to encounter an mage in PVP system


                      • #12
                        I think for butterfly mount like hellwing size.n color blue n purple..
                        IGN: Angel,Blue exorcist
                        Lvl :Scion 9x,Mortal 4x
                        SERVER:[S9] Zensho Island, [S4]The Wilterlands

                        Gambate neh!

                        BEFORE U JUDGE ME,
                        MAKE SURE THAT U'RE PERFECT!!

                        File a ticket here:


                        • #13
                          Elsage its not your your problem anymore if I have green in my username. None of your business.Du bist so reizend.
                          "80s music, the greatest era of being in love."
                          Character Name: Margareta
                          Baby Spice from Spice Girls

                          " I'm a girl who loves pink, I'm the pinkest in the server."
                          :oFavorite Song:

                          Server: The Void
                          Level 82 Eidolon Protection Knight
                          Genbu Rider

                          Helpful Threads:


                          • #14
                            lol....WELL I KINDA LOVE THE BUTTERFLY IDEA!!!! GIVE ME PINK ANY DAY!!!! ahahaha lol I ALSO SUGGEST THAT SOME ARMORS SHOULD BE PINK.... :/ :/ :/ #PinkOverload
                            NAME: anicsan
                            SERVER: Extended Realm
                            CLASS: Ranger
                            GUILD: â—„Swaggâ–º
                            GUILD POSITION: removed due to inappropriate language - Stormaggedon

                            Im all for pink!!! #TeamPinkOverload
                            Dwayne Wade is my future husband. Just waiting for him to divorce his wife. #TeamHeat
                            Umm...Follow me up on Twitter??? I follow back.
                            Am I single??? Hmm...not sure. Ask my boyfriend. :) Ahahah just kidding!!! :P :P


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post
                              I love nature,I am a member of a forest conservation organization in our school. That's why I put green. Daryl is the name of my boyfriend.
                              ahh,,, a green heart girl, nice ,,, and a bf name, thats so girly of you

                              Originally posted by Greendaryl View Post
                              Elsage its not your your problem anymore if I have green in my username. None of your business.Du bist so reizend.
                              nope, np at all, you got good reason there,,, yes, its none of me business, my bad, im sorry,,, and i dont speak german, i tried google translate it but i dont find it rite,,,
                              They told me that to make you fall in love with me, I had to make you laugh...
                              But everytime you laugh, I'm the one who falls in love...

