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Happy Mother’s Day!

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  • Happy Mother’s Day!

    Mothers are the real angels of this world. What have you prepared for your mother this Mother’s day? A card, a cat... a car? Share your gift ideas with us and win rewards!

    - Take a picture with your prepared present or write down what your mom means to you in a reply to this post.
    - Be sure to include your character's name, server number.

    Seraphim Wings and 50 Angel Tears will be awarded to our selected favorites.
    2,500,000 Gold will be awarded to each participant.

    May 9 to May 11, 11:59pm EDT

    Note - This is only for Armor games players, any other entry will be deleted.
    Last edited by EdgeLOA; 05-10-2014, 05:23 AM.
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  • #2
    Mom. This word means too much. Obviously she is the person on whom you can always rely and she always will listen to you, will help than ever and always will be your mainstay and support ...

    She is happy with you when you feel good, she shares experiencing with you when you feel bad ... In general my mom is EVERYTHING for me! And I love her very much and appreciate everything she has done for me and does to this day!

    Thanks mom for the fact that I have you!

    hahaxus - Armorgames(S1)
    Last edited by HAHAX; 05-09-2014, 08:20 AM.


    • #3
      I don't get to see my mom much, being away in college now. But I still call her every weekend, just to make sure she's OK. I am the baby of the family, and leaving was the hardest thing for both of us. She encourages me to work my hardest, and is always there to support me, and encourage me. If I feel like I don't know what to do, one conversation with her, and I know exactly what I'm doing, and more importantly why. I work hard to make her proud, and I may not always succeed, but I know that doesn't matter to her, she will still love and support me either way. So as hard as it is, this mothers day, I have to say mom, I love you, and I miss you, but I'll be home soon. I'm never too far away to know that you love me, Love your baby boy

      Rose - Armorgames (S1)


      • #4
        All that is in me a wonderful and light - it's all thanks to you, Mom! You always inspired and encouraged me with his kindness, patience, optimism and faith in me. All words of thanks be too small to explain how much I appreciate everything you've done for me. Happy mother's day dear. I love you!

        feark - Armorgames(S1)


        • #5
          My mom is my only parent. I have a dad, ofcourse, but he has been gone for a long time now. And the thing is, it doesn't make me sad at all. Because every day I feel I'm the luckiest child in the world, cause my mother is worth ten times the most normal, perfect and complete family I could have. She helped me trough so many things, bad or good that I can't picture any situation in my life without her, even as the adult I became. My mother is the woman of my life, from the very beginning till the very end, whatever happens. I love you mom

          Casca - Armorgames (S1)


          • #6
            From my first breath, and to this day, no man dearer and closer than you, Mom! This holiday - just an excuse to tell you that I feel every day I love you more than anyone in the world! God save you from a bad life, you stand only the best and the brightest. Long and happy life, Mom!

            Nuranda - Armorgames(S1)


            • #7
              Mother...I wish she would love me...nevertheless I love her and I always wonder that I hug her and never let her go...w/e I love her and I wish her long and beautiful life
              ZaadnicA - Armorgames(S1)


              • #8
                The bond that a child develops with his mother can never be severed. You grew as an organism inside her for nine months. She carried you and sustained you, sharing her sustenance with you through your umbilical cord. When you are born the cord is severed. It is never severed in her heart. That bond lasts forever. As we grow up we become our own people and may come to forget that woman who nurtured and loved us. But remember this, she will never forget you and never stop loving you.
                Four words : I LOVE YOU MOTHER.
                Mhdidan - Armorgames(S1)


                • #9
                  I LOVE YOU MAMA !!! (i`m romanian so Mothers day was in 8 March) . i camed here just for the gold , nothing else. Cheers.
                  TheFullMoon - Armorgames (S1)


                  • #10
                    A mother is like a ray of sunshine.Whose heart is just pure gold....A mother beams with happiness that'll never grow old.She'll stay in my heart forever as if she were inside.We've shared so many things,we laughed, we smiled, we cried....I love my mother very much and still throughout the years we share the mother daughter love,and always when I fear,I know I'll always have my mother
                    somewhere very near! Soon i`ll be mom too so happy mother`s Day to all mom`s !!

                    Giulia Armorgames (S1)
                    Last edited by giulia69; 05-09-2014, 05:25 PM.


                    • #11
                      “M” is for the million things she gave me,
                      “O” means only that she’s growing old,
                      “T” is for the tears she shed to save me,
                      “H” is for her heart of purest gold;
                      “E” is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
                      “R” means right, and right she’ll always be,
                      Put them all together, they spell “MOTHER,”
                      A word that means the world to me.

                      Rocket - Armorgames (S1)


                      • #12
                        My Amazing MOM

                        My mom has always been here for me. When I broke my collarbone she was there to console me and to assure me that it would all go away in time. Also, when my grandpa died my mom was really sad, but she was still there to make me feel better. In my chess tournaments, she's always there for me to cheer when I win, and if I lose, my mom always assures me that there will be another chance. I love you mom, and I hope you'll never go.

                        Gauntel, ArmorgamesS1

