Daughter of Ivrund, Loralei was blessed with wisdom and curiosity at a young age. Many moons ago, Loralei stole an apple from the garden of Eden - but was caught and remonstrated by the heavenly guardian Heimdallr. When brought before Odin, the king of the gods laughed and forgave her sins. He handed over custodianship of the garden of Eden to none other than Loralei. But the apples of Eden are enchanted - one bite grants the eater the gift of immortality! It’s said that Loralei is at peace with all gods, humans, dwarves and elves. So why not give it a shot and befriend her yourself?

  Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  Attack: Magical
  Skill: Rose Whisper. Deals (150% Basic ATK + 300) MATK DMG to all enemies
  Unlock: Lvl. 30+ characters in possession on Loralei’s Icon who have unlocked the Knight ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ flair may deploy Loralei.
  Base Stats:
Daughter of Ivrund, Loralei was blessed with wisdom and curiosity at a young age. Many moons ago, Loralei stole an apple from the garden of Eden - but was caught and remonstrated by the heavenly guardian Heimdallr. When brought before Odin, the king of the gods laughed and forgave her sins. He handed over custodianship of the garden of Eden to none other than Loralei. But the apples of Eden are enchanted - one bite grants the eater the gift of immortality! It’s said that Loralei is at peace with all gods, humans, dwarves and elves. So why not give it a shot and befriend her yourself?
  Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  Attack: Magical
  Skill: Rose Whisper. Deals (150% Basic ATK + 300) MATK DMG to all enemies
  Unlock: Lvl. 30+ characters in possession on Loralei’s Icon who have unlocked the Knight ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ flair may deploy Loralei.
  Base Stats: