iam rly tired of lossing because this bug wich mostly can turn fight upside/down
angel shoud disapear together with player who own it when he is killed but lately i see MANY times angels stays without player
sometimes and mostly there is 1 player 2 angels but seen few times also 1 player 3 angels ( forgot to take SS of this ) and this need be fixed
s196 Blightcliff
adding 1 player 2 angels SS bug
angel shoud disapear together with player who own it when he is killed but lately i see MANY times angels stays without player
sometimes and mostly there is 1 player 2 angels but seen few times also 1 player 3 angels ( forgot to take SS of this ) and this need be fixed
s196 Blightcliff
adding 1 player 2 angels SS bug
