All morning your server keeps dropping and kicking me out....doesnt matter which web browser i try it lets me in for up to 5 minutes and then you drop internet works just fine! Everytime i have issue you are unable to resolve issue or attempt to look into this going to be resolved???
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Loa server keeps dropping
This issue has been going on all morning here (server UA21)....i know by comments already im not only person nor only server experiencing this problem...its going on 2 PM here, this has been going on since around 10:30 AM. when is there going to be a response and more importantly this being fixed???!!!
So in other words, yet again NOTHING DONE ABOUT IT.... each time there is an excuse in whatever is going on or player isnt providing enough info. Past bugs, your responses were i had no screenshot nor picture showing what was going wrong...NOW you got a damn picture and still i need to post somewhere else now?! How about DEV take the blame for their server dropping instead of making more excuses. Alot of players dont report bugs/problems for this exact reason....ITS NEVER TAKEN CARE OF....yet some players have exact same issues and mysteriously their problem is fixed/resolved/and or compensated....
YOU GOTTEN THE PICTURES OF WHATS GOING ON AND YOU REFUSE TO CORRECT SITUATION...if i hadnt had a screenshot or pic you would have said i needed that or game cant do anything!!! I cant do screenshots so i did pictures and sent and you are going to tell me now that is not enough to fix my problem from other day....sorry but thats ********.... ALL DEV AND MODS CAN DO IS COME UP WITH MORE THINGS FOR PLAYER TO DO IN ORDER TO GET IT FIXED....BEEN DAYS NOW SINCE THAT HAPPENED AND WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN??? Nothing, as i have said before, dev and mods refuse to fix issues, just one excuse after another.... Why have forum for bug issues when its obvious that most players you ignore regardless of their problem....SHAMEFUL