loaded 1000 diamonds yesterday an never got my rewards when try claim an now you take the event away this my 3rd post each time the moderators/addmins remove this post to cover it up if happens again ill be calling paypal asking my cash back since im sick of this game stealing from me. I have all this proof im not happy with the service of this game. grow sum balls an learn to reply to post don't delete them to cover them up.s16 ingame name hotdog
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halloween hot event bug ( Addmins stop removing this post )
Dont worry they wont bother,in my tickets i got answers like 'its your fault that you click during a crash and by accident it wasted your diamonds' or 'we cant do anything about it' lost a lot of diamonds because of the recent server issues and they didnt even bother with my problem.They dont care, it's so sad that they dont get involved in players problems,trying to understand a need that doesnt come all the time but somtimes ...or better to think in a way like ''what would i do if i were in his shoes''...
I would like to see them say it was my error since the event was out for like 30 mins on my server an when I loaded I couldn't claim rewards then soon as I posted on forums about 3 mins or so it was removed from hot events. there was nothing saying it was a crashed event or anything like this. an now not even any admin/developer/forum mod will answer this cause they got no explanation an will try cover it up but I wont let it go at midnight tonight I will make complain to paypal/facebook about this game an ill be spaming the scam issus in this game as they have scamed me with this incident.Hotdog
yes worked fine for you but this wasn't today it was yesterday so please don't post saying it worked for you today when im talking bout yesterday. an befor you say I should state that it was yesterday I did in my prev post that had been deleted. also on my pic had the date aswell 27th were yours says the 28th if you look at itHotdog
the post that were deleted were the same as I posted/started 2 days ago an they are no were to be found I looked everywere in the forums so yes they were deleted from forum page that's why you can see it. as to a ticket I have not filed a ticket only what you see above an that is enough proof you need to see your system stuff up when it showed an event I loaded for not giving me the rewards only to find it removed from hot event page no more then few mins after I posted my first complaint on forums 2 days ago you can see the date in pick saying the 27th so there is proof that it was released then an not the 28th please compensate me the rewards I am deserved thanks.Hotdog
look at screen shots buddy they don't lie im not the only one this happen to an also you need get your days right as hoc didn't start the day you posted (tylerwin) it started the 27th the day my screen shot was taken that's 3 days ago 27th 28th an we are now on the 3rd day 29th so if it started for you yesterday they screwed your sever 1 day but I think you are confused. I know im right the admins are wrong they just wont admit it because they are greedy overseas people who only like $$$ from players an don't give a **** how they get it. ill never load again in this game they lost me as a casher now next step is to spread the word across my face book that this game is no good.Hotdog
also buy the way why does my pic on the first postsay 27th on the top left of it as that is the date an time of server when this wasn't due out till the 28th an yet it was in my hot event on the 27th an made me load for sumthing I couldn't claim an there was no way to know till I tried. this pic shows the date it should of been out but it was early on my server till I complained an they took it away with my original topic.
Originally posted by R263851053 View Posti can confirm, my post was deleted also. nvery childish of the moderators
Happy Chinese New Year!
there were no foul words, I submited a bug, exactly how I'm supposed to, had another 2 people post also on my bug submision with screenshots. second day, it was deleted and of course I didn't got any reply or got my prize. then again, trying to act all concerned now it's useless. I just wanted a darn answer if i'm getting or not my reward. I took the deletion of my post as a "F*** you, you're not getting anything".
Originally posted by R263851053 View Postthere were no foul words, I submited a bug, exactly how I'm supposed to, had another 2 people post also on my bug submision with screenshots. second day, it was deleted and of course I didn't got any reply or got my prize. then again, trying to act all concerned now it's useless. I just wanted a darn answer if i'm getting or not my reward. I took the deletion of my post as a "F*** you, you're not getting anything".
Happy Chinese New Year!
Originally posted by TylerWinFirstly during this offer there wasn't any HoC cards dude. I'm sure in there. There was only the Keys.Originally posted by Henry MillerThere are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.