the light envoy an nerida buffs are stacking an there not supose to please fix this cause its a big disadvantage to others because realy undergeared players with le an neridia are really owning the top players in wb an guild gauntlet an they shouldnt be. this is happening on a few servers example a player with 2 heros that attack an have nerida an le are hitting like 100m a hit on wb or on the dragons in gauntlet an yet there br on heros are only like 100k -200k an realy under geared an not good gems either. please look into this an fix this as its starting to cause alot of argueing on my server S13-s16-s19 im on s13 but these servers are joined. these player are denying this bug becasue they dont want it fixed but can please look into this ASAP befor players start to quit
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LIGHT ENVOY & NERIDIA buffs stack plz fix this
yer i also know there is a bug with this light envoy and neridia buffs do stack its a bug thats been happening for a little while now. I have noticed it during team arena an it happens with my neridia an my teams friends light envoy. After reading this top post i nevever thought it was a bug or anything but when i read my friends light envoy skill i now know it is a bug as only the rage buff should stack but instead the whole buff stacks. this does need to be fixed as alot of teams in team arena will have this combination an would be very unfair to other teams.
its hard for me to get the screen shot of the battle as this play7ers kills me befor i can even hit unless sumone else can post a ss of sumone else this is happening to but i will post there team an the team of one of the top players in server who gets beat in damage because of this bug . so please hope you can understand the damage this bug is doing also the player with light envoy is not a vip or a casher they are free player so fix this bug please.
Originally posted by R248716977 View Post[ATTACH=CONFIG]115433[/ATTACH]an this is the screen shot of a top player in server who gets out damaged because of this bug please explain how if you think its not a bugosobena
s56 Starcrest Mountains
“Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.â€
I have just watched osobena's battle and didn't notice stacking . I use LE and Nereida and
i can assure you my WB hits haven't suddenly shot up over the hits of higher players .
So i have to agree with osobena .
The game's not entirely about what you have in your party , hero,gear etc ,its how you build and use what you have .
As for the comment about FREE player ,what has that got to do with the issue that you are concerned about ?